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Lingle veto of the cannabis task force study
I realize this is straying a bit, but have to comment on Bewitched's comment about Lingle's "dogged lawfulness."

I guess you didn't hear about the Superferry debacle, in which the Supreme Court begged to differ.

Bottom line folks, this is all political BS rational.

If she vetoed the bill because just establishing a Task Force to review Hawaii’s medical marijuana is somehow breaking or violating federal drug laws, (which is something the Task Force could equally determine) than Hawaii’s medical marijuana law is in the exact same boat. If that rational is what she honestly believes, she has a duty to immediately nullify the existing law. But she hasn’t. So her rational is nonsense.
The real question is why the federal government doesn't just legalize the stuff and get on with the task of building a world free of BS. That's the issue the local government should bring to the attention of the federal government.

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