09-09-2009, 02:42 PM
Does anyone here know the man who has been missing since Friday and whose truck was found Saturday near where I live, on the Onomea Scenic Route?
I don't want to bum out his friends, but there were Fire Dept. helicopters all around my house late this afternoon, for about an hour, and after much confusion about what the heck was going on, I saw them make a retrieval. it appears they found someone. [
Really sad, no idea what happened. May not be him, but clearly the helicopters came here on a tip. There had been ground searches all weekend that found nothing.
I don't want to bum out his friends, but there were Fire Dept. helicopters all around my house late this afternoon, for about an hour, and after much confusion about what the heck was going on, I saw them make a retrieval. it appears they found someone. [

Really sad, no idea what happened. May not be him, but clearly the helicopters came here on a tip. There had been ground searches all weekend that found nothing.