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Arrrgh! No more happy dance.
Genxor - I guess "distressed" is the new hot look for real estate staging?

Says to the buyer, you just got 50K off what this place would cost you if it were clean and well tended.
I feel bad for you guys,we had it happen twice to us once 3 days before the closing.It is a hard market now. I think people who are not first time buyers are looking for deals partly because if they sold a home to get to HI they probably didnt get as much as they expected on that end either so they have to make it up. I pray your home sells soon and you can get back to VA. We are still trying to sell our house on the nature coast here in Fl wish us luck
This says more about human nature than just the obvious hardship that this buyer has aggravated. So they make an offer to see if they can get it, then the seller makes all hard considerations and decides to accept, and then the buyer decides the offer they made wasn't serious. So there are folks out there who just make offers with escape clauses, just to 'check' to see what the could get it for. Like they're thinking "we didn't think we'd actually get it for that".
I wasn't trying to say you were painting all buyers with a broad brush, so much as trying to head off another round of buyer bashing. When we were looking for a house there was a lot of bashing of buyers who were shopping short sales and foreclosures here on punaweb. We ended up buying a foreclosure after deciding that we did not want the hassle of trying to negotiate the short sale process. We simply could not find a house in our price range that was not either a foreclosure or short sale, and we looked for 2 years.

I was accused here on punaweb of wanting to profit off of someone else's tragedy, and told that I was courting bad Karma for buying a foreclosure, but I was not going to pay a mortgage for 30 years based on an inflated price, just so someone who paid too much in 2003-2005 could get their money back. A buyer has to deal with the reality of the current market, not past markets, and a seller has to deal with the consequences and timing of their decisions. Many of the current foreclosures and short sales in Puna are houses that were bought as investments by off island buyers looking to make a quick buck buying a house for no real money down and then either taking out second mortgages for every penny they could get, or flipping the house right away. These people inflated the market for everyone and did a lot of damage with their greed. They are the bad guys here, not the buyer trying to find a house at a price that has room for some more downward movement.

We have watched prices continue to fall since we bought this house and we could now pay MUCH, MUCH less for a similar house. But it was time to quit renting, and we are planning to stay here until I am too old to make it up the stairs, so I am not focusing on how our house has "lost" value on paper since we bought it. We owned our last house for 25 years and will probably own this one for as long. If you think of your home as a long term investment, not a way to make a quick buck, it is much easier to ride out the ups and downs of the market.

I have genuine sympathy for people like GENXOR who have no choice but to sell and leave in this market, it is a really tough place to be in. But the current market reality is what buyers have to look at, and that means much lower prices than what people were paying a few years ago. On the other hand it does mean that young local families who were priced out of the market can now try to buy a house here, and that is a good thing.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Well folks, the showing today never materialized. Maybe they forgot ?

But it was nice , to yet again, take time away from work , tidy up the house ( well not really [Big Grin] and take the dogs for a ride. [B)]

Kathy -Maybe the "distressed" look is in !? We haven't reached that 50k buyers savings yet,and won't, but we have knocked off half of that.I like to make things happen, but seem to have lost my mojo.

I know it will sell when it is meant to sell, but we are rather burnt out. There haven't even been any lowball offers. That to me is strange. But hey ,there is always the next showing. If they show up.
Sorry John[Wink]

Kathy... good idea relating to "distressed". It does seem to be the norm in selling homes here. Strange but true. Things are starting to sell right and left. A lot of people are jumping in on this low market. From Wes' experience more people are buying raw land in the Hamakua area. It is all good of course. Any sale is a good sale.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

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