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773 sites joining hands (sorry, new figures)
Tomorrow's the big day for the Hands Across The Sand demo showing support for our planet Earth and her oceans and creatures. East Hawaii's site for the joining of hands to say NO to oil drilling, YES to clean energy is Hilo Bayfront at 7:30 in the MORNING. It's a short demo, pau by 8:15 a.m.

This event has gone international; following the sun, it will start in New Zealand and end on Kauai. Most of the demos are gonna take place at noon; we're starting early here because the beach was already committed to Moku O Hawaii's Outrigger Canoe Regatta. The paddlers are going to join us in this physical display of those who want to signal the multinational corporations and governmental leaders that enough already with oil drilling; let's get some real action behind the lip service they give to clean energy sources!

Because this addiction to fossil fuels was NOT the work of the world's populace; it's what corporations, with government support, has foisted upon us! Even to the point of conducting endless wars to secure it.

Please join us if you are of the mind to be part of the human barricade against oil on our beaches! Aloha and malama pono [8D]
Hope you have a wonderful turnout. We will be joining the group here in Maine at noon.
If you care for the ocean and its creatures, I recommend that you summon all of these hands, place them around Tony Hayward's neck and squeeze.
To make it a little more Puna, perhaps squeezing Helco to use more geothermal, which is vastly underutilized and ready at the waiting, and less oil fired generators would be a local start towards the reduction of off-shore drilling.

All feel good but is it gonna have an effect ? NOPE ! Is it really worth it for thousands of people to DRIVE to the beach to hold hands for a few minutes ? Wanna make a statement ... Do this but have an EMPTY parking lot. Say down @ South Point next to the turbines. Glens post has me envisioning all these people walking like zombies towards Tony .. Just like in the movies ... Eventually one of them will get through.

Sorry, feeling passimsistic tonite.

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