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Sick in paradise?
I hate to burst anyone's bubble but I moved here from one of the worst allergy places on the planet (Willamete Valley in Oregon) where I got hammered by allergies only twice a year and now I am miserable with constant itchy eyes, runny sinuses, and frequent violent sneezing fits. However, my husband has gone off all his allergy drugs and does great here. I was OK when we lived in Kopoho, mixed results in Seaview, miserable in Orchidland and OK at work in Kurtistown. It seems to be very specific for each individual in terms of how they do in any given micro-climate. We are now looking for an affordable rental in Kopoho vicinity through the end of the school year, any leads anyone?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Carol, sorry to hear about your allergy problems. (Sorry, I don't have any leads on a Kapoho rental.) The Willamette Valley has a large grass seed industry, as I understand, one of the nasty sources of pollens. I think this industry was also responsible for the smog in the area during summertime from the burning of the grass to harvest seed. Is that correct?

I think I the allergies that I developed in the Bay Area were primarily from grass pollen. I took capsules of powdered nettle which usually worked fairly quickly and moderated my itchy eyes and sneezing. It didn't last long, but it didn't warrant as much caution as taking the standard antihistamine meds.

Hi Carol,

Sound familiar "miserable with constant itchy eyes, runny sinuses, and frequent violent sneezing fits".

Mold was a big problem for me, while living there varied from house to house and even room to room. Never could live in a place with carpeting.

Here, I have seasonal allergies, started using a high quality air cleaner in my bedroom so I have a clean room to escape to.

Getting a good night rest without the symptoms seems to help the rest of the day as well.


Edited by - adias on 11/20/2006 02:48:34
No matter where you live those bugs are going to be hitting the airwaves. I noticed after moving to Honolulu from Seattle, that there was much less frequent colds for me.
Think of it this way, where would you like to be suffering from those allergens? Maybe you will find a happy medium of control that works for you so life will be a bit more pleasant. And since you have kids make sure they wash hands and you can also use that alcohol based hand sanitizer after grocery shopping and such and that cuts down on the germs then too.

The one thing about being on planes is they circulate the air and I seem to get bugs that way. I think it is also just the stress of getting ready for the trip and such too brings the immune system down some. But you might take some Ester-C vitamin before the winter, if you feel a cold coming on (in the very early stage of it) or when you go off on a trip, and see if that might help you. There is also that cold relief that you can buy that is about 18 bucks a spray bottle, that you can use to ward off a cold with, supposedly it works.
Also in the winter being enclosed in houses *plus* the lack of high enough humidity is a real big factor for being the medium that they thrive in, so if you keep the humidity up, that helps, but you can only do that at home. I have never heard about that Malolo with the Neosporin, but would think that you would need a spray of it to go all the way down to be effective and since there isn't any product on the market like that do you want to join in with me in making a killing in starting a new product on up before everyone gets a cold this year?!! LOL

I too grew up in the Willamette Valley, in Lebanon and we got the smoke from the field burning each year. It was a pain, since it always hang around due to the Cascade Mtn. range and Eugene held it in there the worst I think. Luckily they ended all of that burning a few years back in time. Long over due...

I have used the nasal saline bulb rinse for some years which really helps some if you keep it up. It requires mixing large amounts of warm salt water each day and irragating your sinus' with it. Kind of like what playing in the ocean does, if you go under enough and get some wave action up your noise.


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
I've been plagued all of my life with allergies and the frequent resultant sinusitis. Sinus surgery actually made me worse. In recent years I've worked in a migrant community composed primarily of illigal immigrant hispanics. Largly due to lack of other options, I started eating hispanic (mostly Mexican and Guatamalan)food for one meal per day, which grew to include large amounts of hot peppers(jalapaneos etc)largly in the form of different salsas etc. Since the change in my diet, my sinus allergys and resultant sinusitis, have been reduced to almost zero. I still get itchy eyes and some sneezing but not much more. Hot peppers have worked for me. I do eat a lot of it, enough to get the fluids flowing (yep, yuck). I also eat about a lime per day which may also help.

S. FL Islander to be
Big Islander to be.
Oink, the food you were eatign probably had a fai amount of tumeric in it - which has antibacterial properties....

Oink's experience is not all that unusual. Tumeric has anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. Also, most hot peppers contain capcasin (sp?) which is being researched for a number of helpful factors including allergies, arthritis, and anti-oxidant. My sister has potentially crippling rheumatoid arthritis and has been helped immensely by using spicy foods and even pepper infused teas on recommendation of a specialist doctor.


Much itchy eyes and sneezing...I use Patanol the doc gave me...sometimes Benadryl...only before bed 'cause it knocks me out...I do notice that my allergies are worse...I don't care though. Big Grin


"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Seems there is a vaccine regiment for allergy sufferers, I don't know how effective, personally, perhaps others do.

Ajit, I can relate to those sneezing, sneezing, sneezing for crying out loud SNEEZING episodes Alavert D-12 and Nasal Crom combo have been my only fix mid-August to the first frost. Can't wait to get away from Ragweed

the wife gets relief from her cold symptoms using zinc a product called Cold-Ease, melt in your mouth jobbies Wink)

Aloha HADave


The Tribune has been recently advertising a Non Urgent "walk-in" Care facility at the hospital in Hilo, open 7 days/week, I think?

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

I did the vaccine thing. Many, many shots over a very long time and not much relief. My wife and two sons did it also. They were more "compliant" and did have better results than I, but their results were far from perfect and they continue to have problems. Flonase nasal spray gives good but undramatic results. If your taste buds and stomach can tolerate it, I strongly recommend the hot peppers. Today it was tacitos with sour cream and tomitillo/jalapaneo salsa.

S. FL Islander to be
Big Islander to be.

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