02-17-2011, 06:09 AM
Fuel Tax Revenue at a critical moment - Call Now!
HB 1626 which calls for a small change in a state statue to allow a grant in aid program for Hawaii County only is at a critical moment.
It has been moved from Transportation Committee in Honolulu to the Finance Committee and time may be running out. It is time for us to act in support.
Chairman Marcus Oshiro will soon make a decision to move HB 1626 to the House Floor or shelve it for a year.
Email or Call Chairman Marcus Oshiro Now.
Tell him you support HB 1626 and it needs a vote this year. It is important to our island and will not affect any other county.
Call: 808-586-6200
Email: Marcus Oshiro <repmoshiro@Capitol.hawaii.gov>
Please call instead. It seems that emails are being turned back as spam by the office......
HB 1626 which calls for a small change in a state statue to allow a grant in aid program for Hawaii County only is at a critical moment.
It has been moved from Transportation Committee in Honolulu to the Finance Committee and time may be running out. It is time for us to act in support.
Chairman Marcus Oshiro will soon make a decision to move HB 1626 to the House Floor or shelve it for a year.
Tell him you support HB 1626 and it needs a vote this year. It is important to our island and will not affect any other county.
Call: 808-586-6200
Email: Marcus Oshiro <repmoshiro@Capitol.hawaii.gov>
Please call instead. It seems that emails are being turned back as spam by the office......
Assume the best and ask questions.
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Punaweb moderator