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Japan Radiation FAQ

News Release



Phone: (808) 586-4410
Fax: (808) 586-4444

For Immediate Release: March 14, 2011 11-024


HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) has not detected any elevated
radiation readings, and air samples remain at ambient or normal background levels following a
small release of radiation Saturday at a nuclear reactor facility in Japan. The release of radiation
occurred from two nuclear reactors in Japan that were damaged in Friday’s earthquake and
tsunami. The DOH Indoor and Radiological Health Branch (IRHB) is closely monitoring information
on the radiation release, and with the current size of the release and the distance from Hawaii, no
public health risk to the state is expected.

The DOH in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a system in place for
ambient monitoring for radioactive dust. The system (RADNET) looks at real-time data as well as
particulate sampling (from monitors located on the islands of Oahu and Hawaii) which are analyzed
by the DOH and at a laboratory in Alabama. At this time, the department has no indication of any
readings above normal background levels and does not expect any “spikes” due to the limited
amount of material released and the current environmental conditions.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) released a statement on March 13 stating, “All the
available information indicates weather conditions have taken the small releases from the
Fukushima reactors out to sea away from the population. Given the thousands of miles between
the two countries, Hawaii, Alaska, the U.S. Territories and the U.S. West Coast are not expected to
experience any harmful levels of radioactivity.” A news release from the Japan Nuclear and
Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) indicated that the amount of radioactive material released from the


DOH Works with National Partners to Monitor Air; No Elevated Levels of Radiation Detected
Page 2

Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station was relatively small. However, should the situation
change, the department is making preparations by coordinating with national and statewide
partners and ensuring medical stockpiles are readily available.

The department’s Radiological Health staff is currently working with other state and federal entities
on radioactive plume modeling. All models are based on real-time atmospheric conditions and
indicate that the release is headed away from the Hawaiian Islands.

For further information go to the DOH website at
or go to the following sites:

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:

# # #


Given the thousands of miles between the US and Hawaii and our having to send samples to Alabama we are sorry to inform you all that we are sadly a day behind in our warnnigs that you are currently being bombarded with high levels or radiation.
We apologize for the delay.

I'd be surprised if the "hot particle" warnings need to be sent anywhere...

My guess is that Alabama does isotope identification, which can help in tracing sources.

From a health perspective, hot is hot - when an atom in your body gets ionized, the damage is done, regardless of what did the ionization. Rack up a few trillion ionizations and you might start to notice some effects (since your body has 10^27ish molecules)

Geiger counters count individual ionization events inside their chamber...

Edit to add link to article:


HONOLULU – The damage to nuclear reactors in Japan has led to concerns about radiation exposure in Hawaii and other parts of the world. The DOH continues to closely monitor the situation, and at this time there is no indication of increased risk to our state. Based on all available information, state and federal experts do not anticipate a risk of radiation exposure to Hawaii. Therefore, the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) advises the public against ingesting potassium iodide or KI as a precaution against possible radiation exposure. Ingesting KI is not an effective precautionary measure.

“There is no increased risk of harmful levels of radiation exposure in Hawaii based on the situation to date at the nuclear power complex in Japan,” said Interim Health Director Loretta Fuddy. “Those who ingest potassium iodide out of concern for possible exposure from this situation are doing something which is not only ineffective, but may also cause unwanted side effects. If a need should arise for residents to start taking potassium iodide to guard against effects of radiation exposure, the Hawaii State Department of Health along with other local, state and federal agencies will inform the public. We do not anticipate this need.”

The DOH along with other local, state and federal agencies is actively monitoring the situation. The department uses a number of redundant monitoring systems capable of detecting any significant elevation in radiation levels. The public is encouraged to check reliable sources for up-to-date information.

Potassium iodide, or KI, is a stable form of iodine. During a nuclear emergency, persons may be exposed to a radioactive form of iodine, which can be harmful to the thyroid gland. In such an event, public health officials may recommend use of KI to offer some protection. KI is not recommended for use as a precautionary medication, unless there is a specific emergency that warrants use as recommended by public health officials.

Although usually benign, KI can be harmful to people with allergies to iodine or shellfish, those with certain skin disorders, or those with thyroid problems. Observed but infrequent side effects of ingesting potassium iodide include nausea, intestinal upset, rashes, inflammation of the salivary glands, and possibly severe allergic reactions. KI cannot protect the body from radioactive elements other than radioactive iodine-if radioactive iodine is not present, taking KI is not protective.

Originally posted by Seeb


News Release



Phone: (808) 586-4410
Fax: (808) 586-4444

For Immediate Release: March 14, 2011 11-024


HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) has not detected any elevated
radiation readings, and air samples remain at ambient or normal background levels following a
small release of radiation Saturday at a nuclear reactor facility in Japan. The release of radiation
occurred from two nuclear reactors in Japan that were damaged in Friday’s earthquake and
tsunami. The DOH Indoor and Radiological Health Branch (IRHB) is closely monitoring information
on the radiation release, and with the current size of the release and the distance from Hawaii, no
public health risk to the state is expected.

The DOH in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a system in place for
ambient monitoring for radioactive dust. The system (RADNET) looks at real-time data as well as
particulate sampling (from monitors located on the islands of Oahu and Hawaii) which are analyzed
by the DOH and at a laboratory in Alabama. At this time, the department has no indication of any
readings above normal background levels and does not expect any “spikes” due to the limited
amount of material released and the current environmental conditions.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) released a statement on March 13 stating, “All the
available information indicates weather conditions have taken the small releases from the
Fukushima reactors out to sea away from the population. Given the thousands of miles between
the two countries, Hawaii, Alaska, the U.S. Territories and the U.S. West Coast are not expected to
experience any harmful levels of radioactivity.” A news release from the Japan Nuclear and
Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) indicated that the amount of radioactive material released from the


DOH Works with National Partners to Monitor Air; No Elevated Levels of Radiation Detected
Page 2

Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station was relatively small. However, should the situation
change, the department is making preparations by coordinating with national and statewide
partners and ensuring medical stockpiles are readily available.

The department’s Radiological Health staff is currently working with other state and federal entities
on radioactive plume modeling. All models are based on real-time atmospheric conditions and
indicate that the release is headed away from the Hawaiian Islands.

For further information go to the DOH website at
or go to the following sites:

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:

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The bad news is that what has happened in Japan is, as nearly as can be determined, Chernobyl times 4 -unfortunate math. There isn't much good news that can go with that but we CAN be thankful the jet stream won't bring it directly here. Make no mistake, it will circumvent the globe. We just won't be second in line.

The heart has to go out to the people of Japan, many of whom are experiencing the second devastating nuclear disaster within their lifetime. They can thank Commander in Chief Truman for the first violation and General Electric for the second.

What a bummer.
There is an official Geiger counter in Hilo sampling for radiation and we have one in our neighborhood as well, although the one here is a personal one and not public. It is not reading any elevated levels of radiation.

From the wind patterns, it looks like most of it will head above the islands.

They say, many of the folks in Chernobyl were affected from eating and drinking products from critters who ate radiated grass, so milk and cheese from cattle in the path of the radiation might be something to avoid for awhile. Once it is determined there is enough radiation to worry about, of course.

So now, it is just a watch and wait.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
A Geiger counter is not the proper way to give an accurate sample of incoming versus passive radiation. Granted it will show fluctuations.

Hawaii is in no danger. As is the rest of the country. Typical tv fearmongering. At the moment, everything is diluted to the point of non issue, and should remain as such unless the reactor loses containment or detonates. The reactor is melting down, but is still contained. Radiation output is still non lethal on site. Largely cesium releases from the fuel.

With the jet stream and reactor conditions, I'm about as worried about the price of gas.

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