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Whale Jerks
Originally posted by mdd7000

freestate - I used the smilie! It was a joke based upon all of the PC Correct stuff that has been going on here! [Smile]

Smilies, schmilies...

Nah, I just wanted to make sure it was clear that I didn't intend my Poe's Law post to be obeyed as some Grand Internet Code of Conduct/Etiquette. I was in a hurry and I didn't take the time to acknowledge the joke.

As far as the P.C. stuff, its always amazed me that some people interpret that as speech police vs. just not being a dick.

As much as I hate the cutesy nature of emoticons, I don't see a better alternative.

I try not to get involved in online spats, the saying I try to live by is:

"You can wrestle with a pig in the mud, it doesn't matter who wins - you'll both get muddy, and the pig always enjoys that." (This was our mantra when dealing with the FDA as a medical device manufacturer.)

Like Rob said somewhere recently, it gets ugly when people get concerned with winning - communication isn't about winning, and message boards should be about communication.

If someone wants to pick this post apart and prove how much smarter they are than I am by replying with all my logical flaws and inconsistencies with prior postings, let me just say in advance:

Real people are inconsistent, they don't say (and especially don't type) exactly what they mean every time. If you can't see past the letters on the page to the intended meaning, then you are the one with the mental deficiency.

If you've got the time to logically de-construct everything that's written in an on-line forum and provide analysis - maybe you should get yourself a law degree and practice that skill somewhere that it's appreciated. Regarding how I personally feel about lawyers and their contribution to society, I agree with a friend of mine from Suriname - she told me they had a "bloodless" coup a few years back, just a bunch of lawyers were killed by the incoming government, and pretty much everybody but those lawyer's families thought that was a good thing.

Sorry to fill PunaWeb with even more negative back and forth, but it seems to be in fashion at the moment, and this morning I can't be out in the ocean on a kayak, I'm stuck in front of a computer until a meeting that's coming up in 10 minutes. Some day I hope to be out in the ocean on a kayak and have a humpback and her calf pop up to say hello - I've had 10' Manatees do that to me in a 14' aluminum boat (at anchor), it's pretty cool. The more people harass and scare the big marine mammals, the less they are going to interact in that neighborly kind of way.

Those of you who can do something pleasant in paradise right now, please think about doing that instead of trying to "win" some kind of mental contest in a place where people are just trying to communicate.
Thanks to macuu222 for announcing Saturday's Whale Watch. Other Puna viewing sites will be Kehena Lookout (the peninsula just north of the nude beach with access across the road from the entrance to Puna Palisades, Cape Kumukahi, and Kaloli Point. Things to bring:
something to sit on (folding chair, beachmat), visors/brimmed hats/sunglasses to counter the glare off the water, sunscreen, beverage of choice, picnic lumch, binoculars (if have), camera(preferably with zoom).
Obie, good move

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