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I have a question regarding registering guns when we relocate. We have a collection that we keep under lock and key. Can we bring our collection over with us or is there a limit to the number of guns one can own? There was a discussion regarding guns on konaweb that was removed do to controversy, so I do not want to start any trouble but would appreciate it if anyone has an answer. Mahalo

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I don’t think there is a restriction on the amount of guns you can bring. If I remember correctly, you do need to register the weapons with the Police Dept within ten days of arrival. Best bet is to check with the Police. Here is the web site to the Hawaii County Police Dept: (I just tried there web site and couldn’t get in right now)

Good Luck!
David D

I believe it is only three days, black powder and firearms manuf. before 1899 need not be registered.

Thank you David. I got into the site. That is a good reference and will mark it. It is three days if you are shipping a weapon in and 5 days after you purchase one on island, and you need a permit to purchase a weapon on island. Interesting site covers a lot of ground. Thanks again, I think that covers it!! Take Care Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
do we have to register a shoot gun? is their a pistol permit for the islands?i could not get to the web site.mahalo sean


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