Kapohocat - I got the point. People should have been able to access the cots. Is why I told you to go to Parks & Rec. I was letting you know it's not a Red Cross thing.
Re the supplies list -
www.ready.gov has a list of supplies needed. Red Cross also has handouts of disaster kit supplies. There are lots of brochures you can pick up for free @ Civil Defense in Hilo. It's our tax dollars at work and they are happy to give out the brochures.
Eddie Bauer sells small disaster kits in a Naglene water bottle for $20. I saw it in a magazine. Created my own version with supplies from around the house and a few items from Walmart for far less. Carry it in my car (has a mini flashlight, dwiss army knife, ace bandage, matches, compass, mini first aid kit.)
I also have a large disaster kit in a plastic tub/tote from Walmart. That way can just grab n go. Has a sleeping bag, sheets, towels, facecloth, small propane grill, poncho, etc. Costco is also a great place to go to crete a disaster kit. Flashlight packs, first aid kits, etc.
Hawaiideborah and Kapohocat - I think your ideas to warn neighbors and give them the disaster kit lists are excellent. I would add that you give the lists to folks when the WATCH is issued, not wait until the evac order.
here's some resources you might not know about. I posted in another thread on here.
I would STRONGLY encourage folks in your neighborhood to join a
CERT team - Community Emergency Response Team. You can get free training from County Civil Defense. The CERT program was created by FEMA - it teaches folks disaster response skills: first aid, light firefighting, etc. That way a community group has the skills to take care of itself and others until help arrives.
Sign up for
CITYWATCH! Go to the County web site under Civil Defense and sign up for Citywatch - CD will send you messages (either text, phone, or email) when there is an emergency, such as tsunami watch, earthquake, or other natural disaster. It's FREE.
Bottom line is that the general public has no clue as to how fragile our infrastructure is in the face of a devastating disaster. So be prepared- make a kit (disaster kit list at ready.gov), volunteer for Red Cross, join a CERT team, and leave when they tell you!