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Oiling Makuu Drive
Jerry - in the time I have been on Punaweb you have been a voice of information and keen insight. I appreciate your efforts to let folks know what is gong on and know that when I see a post from you I will get the scoops on what is happening.

I get your point about attending meetings, but sometimes it is just not feasible. I moved my monthly calendar reminder from month to month for 6 months - but I work multiple jobs and have other committments, so it is tough to make meetings.

While my feelings are based on past experiences with HPPOA staff and board and people have commented that the current GM is a good one, I still feel that HPPOA can and should do more to reach out to residents. Facebook, Twitter, an updated web site, an electronic newsletter with a blog from the GM. I work with homeowner associations all over the state and thus have seen very proactive HOAs and not so proactive ones.

As I've mentioned before, my main rant is the need for sidewalks in HPP. If, as Jerry or someone else mentioned, the bylaws are antiquated and prevent HPPOA from installing sidewalks, then the bylaws should be changed. (Discovery Harbour HOA is going through the a similar situation as we speak.) I don't know what other solution, idea, or suggestion to propose. (and my apologies for going off topic from "sealing" to "sidewalks".)

On a side note, it seems as a society our collective standards have dropped to the point that someone who does a job as it is supposed to be done is now recgnized as outstanding when all they are doing is the job they are supposed to be doing. I in no way shape or form mean any disrespect to the current GM, who by all accounts is doing a good job, I'm just saying if the previous admins were that bad then why were they the board and/or GM? And the lowerng of collective standards in regards to work is something that could be applied to many businesses and people. End of rant, :0

One of these months I will get to a meeting. In the meantime, Jerry please continue to provide your manao and insight to help the rest of us.
We will all be dead and gone before there are sidewalks in HPP or any other subdivision in Puna. I for one don't care one way or the other. The only thing I'd like to see in HPP is buss service down the main roads. For all that we pay in county/state taxes it would seem so little to ask for.


Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani

It's really nice that the GM will talk to homeowners in detail about this stuff, but I agree an updated site would be preferable. It would save the GM from having to have the same conversation over and over again and free him up for GM-duty. I agree about participation. There's countless reasons people don't attend meetings, and to assume it's just because they don't want to "get involved" is near-sighted. Asking status on forums such as this IS getting involved.
Weeks or months, I assume my road funds paid for those now covered over stripes. The order of operations was wasteful of our money and the contractor is only doing what he should do if he is a reputable business person. If he had done the job right to begin with we would already have the quality, safe, striped roads that we paid for and it wouldn't have needed a skim coat of some sort of oily sealant which is not even beginning to fix the networks of cracks that can be plainly seen on all of our newly paved roads. Plus it has proven impossible to get off my car and shoes; that stuff is nasty, it reminds me of the chip seal gunk they used to spray on gravel roads where I grew up. The paint and body work guys loved it because it trashed people's paint jobs.

I am glad to hear the manager and current board are approachable, but I agree that individually talking to the 10,000 of us who live in HPP, plus all the absentee owners, is probably not the most efficient way to get word out about the road remediation work, or any other HPP business.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Once again, I agree that the website could do a better job of letting folks know what's going on, especially in the area of the remedial paving work. I was really surprised to see how perfunctorily the meeting minutes summarized all the road stuff that Scott has been doing. He makes a detailed report each month that includes that and a number of other topics. I will suggest that this report be put on the website. The former GM did this on occasion, but it wasn't as businesslike as Scott's reports.

@Spunky: Thanks for the nice remarks. The Conch newsletter has gone electronic via the website, but is still done only three or four times a year with no blog. A new one is due in June. (I write two columns in the Conch, so you'd think I would know exactly how often it comes out, but I don't. LOL.) I wish we could afford sidewalks, too, but I have no idea where the money would come from. I recall that the current GM quoted us a cost per mile at one point, but I can't remember what it was, other than thinking, "Wow, that's a lot." Thanks to the road paving bond, we are pretty tapped out financially, and people are already complaining about the level and rate of increase of the road assessments. Maybe someday.

@Royal: You should have heard some of the run-around and absolute B.S. we have been given about bus service from the County Transit guys. Billy Kenoi promised us bus service back when Cousin Emily was up for re-election, and we still have nothing.

@DTisme: As far as posting on blogs and websites such as this one being participation, I only partially agree. It does raise visibility and awareness, so that is good. On the other hand, there is nothing like being there to see what is happening and throw in your two cents worth. Furthermore, there are three General Membership Meetings per year. If anyone can only manage limited attendance this is when to go. The reason? At General Membership Meetings, the owners can make and pass binding motions (as long as they don't violate the by-laws.) At the last two meetings of this type, the members have come within a very few votes of limiting the road fee increases.

@Carol: It is entirely appropriate to question the oversight of the paving done in the past, but all HPP can do now is try to fix it at the contractors expense. I won't argue with you about the sealant, being a guy whose knowledge of such is very limited. Maybe Scott or someone more knowledgeable will post some information on why this is the best remedy. It may only be part of the story.
Side note:
Bill Hanson from Civil Defense will be the guest speaker for June’s general membership meeting
The paving information section on the HPPOA website has been updated and will be updated each month there is new activity regarding paving.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Pine-sol will remove any tar you track in.

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