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First Hawaiian Bank online service
Just curious if anyone else is as frustrated about the FHB online service as I am. It seems OK during the week albeit slow, but for the last two or three weekends I've not been able to connect and check my account. Sometimes I get an error message from the bank's website saying there's a problem and other times, like tonight, I get to the homepage but when trying to access my account it just times out.

Although I'm only referring to the last two or three weeks, this has been an issue for a long time now - the site seems OK if very slow during the week but very unreliable on weekends and holidays. If it were a free service I wouldn't complain, but it isn't.

I guess the next step is to ask for some money back...

Not had any problems and I check it pretty much every day. I tend to do things early in the morning or later at night, which may make a difference.
sorry. haven't kept track of when the site is unreliable. but, do have the same problems you (tomk) have experienced.

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

never experienced any problems. Do all my banking on-line.
Maybe problem is with your server?
I have cable (roadrenner).
"but very unreliable on weekends and holidays"

That's probably exactly when they'll be doing system upgrades etc. I'd keep a note of the times and days and ask for compensation.
They make you pay for that?!
The problem definitely isn't my server, I tried accessing FHB from at least three different places over the last three weeks. I suspect it is maintenance as Paul suggests but it does seem to have become quite excessive recently. Sometimes their home page says they're doing maintenance but not often, usually I've just received a system error or a timeout.

Just checked now and of course it's all working beautifully and quite fast. Hopefully all the maintenance has improved things...


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