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Gas Prices gimme a break
Another reason for high fuel costs in Hawaii.I thought that 10% ethanol was going to cut our energy dependance and provide local jobs.

Hawaii State law requires all gasoline sold for vehicles to have 10% ethanol blended (E-10). No E-85 (85% ethanol) is yet sold for flex fuel use. Presently, over 40,000,000 US gallons (150,000,000 l; 33,000,000 imp gal) of ethanol are imported from the Caribbean or continental US. Shipping costs, which amount to 20 to 30 cents per gallon, are passed on to the consumer.
California gas prices range right now from as "little" as $3.69 at the cheapest places in the South Central vally to 4.15 and up at places like Chevron. In Porterville Ca they are getting $3.87,,,every gas station in town (except 2) must be in cahoots because they all raised their prices the same day from $3.76 to $3.87 just this week, The 2 that were not so greedy went from $3.69 to $3.77. They dream of the days of $3.00 a gal gas,,,I remember when it was 15 cents a gal! The folks with those Hummers & V8's are not so smarmy as they once were are they!
They say 1 way to save on gas is inflate tires to 30 lbs. But those greedy capatalistic pig service stations charging these days for the same air that we breathe. So i got a bicycle floor pump for tire inflating and it works so well I actually blew up my tire and I couldn't turn it in for warranty because the fabric ripped away from the glue- you don't want to furiously pump away like you at the NFL combine trying to impress the scouts. i have a pretty good capacity pump- I gain a pound per maybe 10 strokes. Plus it saves the environment.[Smile]
Just talked to my daughter-in-law in Georgia and she says they're paying around $3/gal. It's amazing to me how much less EVERYTHING is in mainland south.
Some things are cheaper on the mainland in the south but having worked there I can tell you so are the wages
I can't help but wonder, then, whether the oil companies price by local median income. They probably just assume everyone in Hawaii is rich. (HA!) I mean, I get that we pay more bc the stuff has to get here, but why Georgia pays so much less than California, which has refineries RIGHT THERE, is crazy.

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