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Very Cheap Fed/Ex Shipping Service
The issue of shipping comes up a lot. Here is one possible solution.

When I moved my things from the US East Coast here, I stumbled on a guy who has a VERY LARGE Fed/Ex account that he will use to ship private individual's items VIA. I was AMAZED at what I saved over 'regular Fed/Ex rates' or even the commercial Fed/Ex account I had.

To mail to Hawaii, using him, it cost $1.77 a pound STANDARD OVERNIGHT. Minimum 100 pounds total w/multiple boxes allowed.

Yesterday, I asked him about Fed/Ex from Hawaii to the Mainland (West Coast).

Here is what he wrote back:

"the cheapest option would be Standard Overnight at a rate of $1.16 per lb when shipping 100 lbs or more (you can do multiple boxes under the same shipment). They will also pick up for free from your door so you don't need to take them to the station."

I ran a hypothetical 2 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot weighing 40# through both the regular on-line Fed/Ex site calculator and USPS site postage calculator to get their Parcel Post rate:

FedEx Standard Overnight 171.52
USPS Parcel Post $42.98

Using him, it ships FedEx Standard Overnight for about $46. About the same as USPS Parcel Post!

When I used him before it was really painless. He patiently talked me through the whole process. I shipped about 700 pounds through him. And I did not even pay him until the items arrived in Hawaii! Now THAT is security!

You can email him at: {removed by request}

I hate to say it, but I never got his name, just his DBA. Just put Fed/Ex Rate Needed in the subject line.

And remember, this is NOT a service for shipping a small box. The TOTAL MUST be 100#.
Originally posted by myomy

The issue of shipping comes up a lot. Here is one possible solution.

Sounds kinda too good to be true. And I am suspicious of emailing a stranger at a yahoo address. Does he have a web site or anything? How did you stumble on this guy?

Thanks for sharing.
I posted a question on Ebay in an Eday discussion forum about shipping. He responded about his services. Not pushy. Just to the effect that he offered competitive FedEx rates if I was interested. I have no idea if he has a web site. Never asked. Didn't care. Still don't care. I KNOW what service I got. And what I saved.

As I said, I shipped over 700# using him. I used my Fed/Ex account info and billed it to his account. When I called in directly to FedEx to schedule a pickup, FedEx never asked any questions. As long as they get paid, they do not care. No one said "Why are you using this account?". It was just a transaction for them.

I did not pay anything to him (as in zero) until my boxes arrived in Hilo. HE was the one that took all of the risk. I easily could have stiffed him as I had my stuff.

FedEX has a plethora of pricing schedules that they apply to different customers based primarily in the volume that they do with Fed Ex. I can use USAA's Fed Ex pricing, which is good. But no one has ever come close to what he has quoted AND delivered on.

Don't know what else to tell you other than I know what I paid, that the items arrived as scheduled (actually 2 days to Hawaii from East Coast) w/o any damage, and at the cost of USPS Parcel Post (SLOW BOAT and often damaged).

VERIFY THE DETAILS WITH HIM: Be aware that when I shipped, Fd Ex called this Island something akin to a 3rd world country and because of road conditions here (yep... true), home delivery was an extra $6 as I recall surcharge each package OR pick up at the FedEx by Airport w/o surcharge.
An added comment:

He did say that only the Fed Ex Standard Overnight was as good a deal. Like I cared???

I talked to him on the phone a couple of times. He IS from Bulgaria (speaks fluent English), and yes, that gave me pause for a moment. Then I realized that it was MY preconception. Regardless, I will use this guy any time I have something that meets the 100# + criteria.

And if you ar wondering, I do not know if you can use him to have another party, like George's Bowling Ball Company in Trenton, NJ ship 10 bowling balls to you.

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