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Danger on Government Beach Road (HWY 137)
Originally posted by cwaters

Earlier this week my husband and I were on our morning walk. The county had started to repair and maintain the surface as it has been very bad for years. A large amount of loose gravel was left on the road. We carefully took this into accout, but what we did not take into account was a very deep hole on the road surface, which was covered with loose gravel. My husband caught his foot in this hole and fell forward on his face. We ended up at the Hilo hospital for treatment.
When I contacted the county they hurriedly came out and filled the hole. There are many such hazards on the current surface. I asked one of the workers why the road had been left in such condition, he said that they were told to stop mid-job as a group of people were continuing to stop any such repair with their personal agends.
The road is dangerous for all of us, not just for driving and biking, but now for walking.

Thanks for letting us know that we need to be extra cautious and watch for holes right now. Just one more of the many daily challenges associated with living in this magnificently natural area.
I grew up on a country gravel road that was very similar so I have a healthy respect for ruts, holes and loose stones. (And waist-deep snow in the winter!) Some seasons weren't so bad, others were nearly impossible. It was impossible to ride a bike after the graders came through, dusty and dangerously unstable as well. I chose it again rather than live in congestion. And like you, I'm still not asking for paving - just a passable, safe surface so I can reach my small, simple plot of paradise unscathed.
Be discerning and never forget that cream and pond scum both rise to the top.
Originally posted by cwaters

ATV's are for off road use. The police come down when called because ATV's are not supposed to be used on this road. I have had an ATV hit me head on coming over a hill on this road. It was not a child thank goodness, but an older large man.
You really have trouble with facts, and you seem to want to push a class warfare agenda, grow up.

Sounds like your ready to move back to the madland. To much off grid Hawaii for you, just to dangerous out there.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Anyone consider buying a bag of asphalt patch and fixing the pot holes out front or nearby - especially those that we know of and have tripped on.

Thats what we do in the madlands - in fact our association of 45 residents takes great pride in our home built heliport and the 6 miles of county dirt and gravel roadway we maintain as well (torn up by the flatland suv folks who come fish "our" streams) - the face plant you prevent - may be your own however.

All the time and energy in this post - would have fixed a lot of pot holes - grin
Originally posted by cwaters: ATV's are for off road use. The police come down when called because ATV's are not supposed to be used on this road. I have had an ATV hit me head on coming over a hill on this road. It was not a child thank goodness, but an older large man.

This is an issue in all rural areas with unpaved roads. You are likely correct that ATV use on the road is unlawful. However, I can assure you that most cops consider police calls in reference to the matter nuisance calls and cronic callers develop a reputation. I wouldn't make a habit of calling on them unless there are aggravating circumstances. It is such an issue that Florida recently passed a law (316.2123) allowing ATVs on unpaved roads posted for under 35 mph. I realize that's FL. and this is Hi., but I'm just showing that this is a common issue and not considered much of a concern by the average cop. Just curious, but would it have been better if it was a Ford F-350 that almost hit you head on coming over the hill?

It seems that more frequent grading would make life easier for the residents. I was always happy to get our road graded and I'm sure I would want regular grading were I living on that road. However, I wouldn't have cared to walk very far on it due to mud or dust and perpetually speeding vehicles.

I also looked longingly at the Government Road area but shied away from it as I'm no spring chicken and emergency services will be a concern at some point. I'm thinking that at some point I'll want to live in town, but not yet.

I'm not anti-progress but I always hate seeing urban folk moving into the country and then try to make the country more urban. As an example, I like our dark sky here. In the past few years urbanites have moved into the area and the first thing they do is put up bright outside lights that stay on all night. Now it's never dark outside. I unscrew the one across the street when they are away Wink

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by oink
I unscrew the one across the street when they are away Wink

Im calling the cops and suing!

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
I don't know if this will help, but my husband used to drag an old iron bed spring frame with an ohia log as ballast up and down our street in the Acres.

They only graded that road every 6-8 months with equipment so the dragging helped keep it level. Took him less than an hour to do the cross st to our driveway.

I think the main thing is we cant wait for our gubernment to do eveything. I know we still have an ohia log but the bed frame when back to dump when we moved to pavement.

Cwaters - I hope your husband is doing better. If someone is in you hood a day with a plate compactor ($60 rental at Puna Rentals) - I would suggest running over those types of loose gravel with the compactor.
I would be happy to contribute to a community effort to work on the waa waa for the enjoyment of all. I already pick up trash on a regular basis, including pulling a 10 gallon container full of used oil out of the ocean.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Originally posted by afwjam

Originally posted by cwaters

ATV's are for off road use. The police come down when called because ATV's are not supposed to be used on this road. I have had an ATV hit me head on coming over a hill on this road. It was not a child thank goodness, but an older large man.
You really have trouble with facts, and you seem to want to push a class warfare agenda, grow up.

Sounds like your ready to move back to the madland. To much off grid Hawaii for you, just to dangerous out there.

Oh, it took you so long to give the same tired,lame response so often given, And you make an assumption about where I come from. I have been off grid since the middle 70's. And yes,the road is dangerous in it's present condition.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul


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