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Lawn Mower disposal
Will the dump accept old lawn mowers? I've drained the gas and the oil...Or are they something on par with TV's that have to be delivered to a special recycle center...not the dump?
They go in the mixed metals bin, I've seen a few in there.
From Craigslist (Hilo)

I want to buy your broken lawnmower or... (Hilo)
Date: 2012-06-06, 1:10PM HST
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]
Wanted: Broken Lawn Mowers (even rusty ones), weed whackers, Trimmers, Edgers, Tillers, chainsaws, pressure washers, chipper/shredder, gas hedge trimmer, generators,ect... let me know what you have & how much you would like for it. I can come pick it up. I am looking to pay between $0- $20 per item.(also depending where you are) .. sorry Kona is too far. Unless you bring it to this side. Help recycle and keep stuff out of the landfill. Call me at ...( 808 ) <357 ---> Mahalo!
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
Too late....

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