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Under employment
I currently work 2 part time jobs.
Neither job provides enough hours for benefits.
I think the candidates should not only address unemployment, but under employment.
It seems under employment is really prevalent here.
Maybe the businesses that hire at a living wage,and give their employees benefits,should get a tax break of some kind?
I have been disappointed that under Harry Kim and Billy Kenoi I have not seen any effort at job creation. They have both been exceptional at protecting county union jobs but zero on the private sector. I have been in discussion with Dominic Yagong on private sector job creation and ways to accomplish that and he has real interest.

Its a big subject, massively important. You make a good point.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Your currently under employed due to government labor regulations. I'm amazed any small businesses would hire anyone with the current local, state and federal regulations. I know I never would and I've owned businesses with employees (granted only 4 employees but still that was 4 families with a place to live and food on the table). Due to compliance issues (it's cheaper for companies like Target, Walmart etc to deal with regulations because they can hire the accountants and lawyers to have on staff to deal with it at a lower cost per employee) it's the larger companies that will do well and by working for them and buying from you are shipping that money off island and away from the local community. Don't get me started on the fact of .gov's horrible track record of "make work jobs" that just redistribute wealth. . It would be better and cheaper to just hand out an ETB card to everyone and drop the facade.

I'd be interested in hearing Mr Yagong's details on how to fix the labor market.

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