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Dawn dish soap kills fleas
I heard about it and tried it. Worked nicely. Next I will try it on my dog(yuk yuk).

No fooling, it works as good as the "flea shampoos" with pyrethrins and other poisons.
Works great on windows, too.

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

it's an old wifes tail ,,
Soap works
This is what I found on citydataforumpetsdogs:

Fleas and ticks have oratory sensors that pick up the scent of what will become their host.
By changing, or altering that scent, the flea/tick is not attracted to what should be their host.
So, what do we as pet owners do to alter the odor given off by our pets that becomes a magnet for these critters?
Simple, take a natural product like garlic, lemon, rosemary, lavender,etc,.. and spread it on the coat, or in the case of garlic, include it in the meal.
There are instruction online as to proper amounts, as well as instruction on how to making these alternative pest controls.
The trick is, making the pet not smell like that which attracts the flea and tick in the first place.
One remedy in particular used lemons as the way to change the natural odor of the pet.
The instructions were, take 1 lemons, cut them in half,and then each half into quarters, place in a pot with one quart of water, and simmer for for an hour or so.
Strain the liquid into a spray bottle and cool.
Then spray on the fur,except not on the face or ears.
For that, spray on your hand, and wipe the face, and ears.
It was mentioned in one of the articles I read that, most manufacturers of these flea/tick products include some chemical to alter the natural odor given off by the animal, thus making the host animal undetectable to the flea or tick.
I used advantage on my dogs for years, and now that I think about it, usually the day after I applied it, they smelled differently.
Not a pleasant , nor a bothersome odor, but definitely a different smell.
So, in the process of finding a new way to keep fleas and tick from my pet, I will try one, or more of these natural remedies.
Altering the odor is the key.
The fleas and ticks are searching for a particular odor that attracts them to a host animal, and simply changing that odor should solve the problem.
This is obviously a simple solution, and one that is very inexpensive, compared to the unending supply of products on pet supply stores shelves.
Can also use for hair,body,car,laundry but not as good as Ajax Grapefruit.

whatever works when its time,

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