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Loud boom in Pahoa town
Jan 1, a friend & I were eating dinner at Kaleo's & at 12:45, we heard a huge explosion that shook the building & us. It wasn't a firework unless it was an M80 in the parking lot & everyone that ran to the door didn't see anyone. There were no earthquakes then & it was louder than a double barrel. Anyone else hear it? Rob, you're near there, did you hear it?
more than likely a firework. people around here don't know where they went shopping for fireworks but they had many and are still blasting them off today about 10x stronger than an m80. Stuff can send people to the hospital if they aren't careful.
Maybe I misunderstood as I watched the B2 stealth bomber do a fly-over at the rose parade this morning ... but I thought I heard the announcer say it was going to Hawaii and then back to do a fly-over at the Rose Bowl..

Maybe that was the boom?
Kcat - That's definitely what it sounded like - guess we'll never know for sure.
Personally I'd be surprised if it was a B2 Stealth Bomber that caused a bang - are you thinking of a sonic boom? It's a subsonic aircraft and can't fly (safely) above the speed of sound, well, unless that capability has been kept secret!

yep, they flew to hawaii and back to scare half the town. I would think if a sonic boom was heard in Pahoa than the entire side of this island would have heard the same thing.

Being familiar with reservation fireworks, an M-80 wouldn't shake a building, even if it was right outside. The reservations in Washington state sell M-1000 under the counter that is equivalent to a quarter stick of dynamite and will shake a building. Being very familiar with M-1000 explosions, some of those on NYE were larger than those. A neighbor near me must have his own mortar. I could hear the whump! as it left the tube and a huge bang that dwarfed a M-1000, with what sounded like sand or possibly metallic flakes falling on my roof. It seems really large fireworks are more available here than on the mainland. It was probably just one of those.

"It was a majority decision to descend into the Dark Ages. Don't worry, be happy, bang on da drum all day!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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