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TONIGHT! Festival in Pahoa
OK, I KNOW it is Puna Music Festival, but for some reason I did not realize, till I got this in an email today, all of the stuff that is planned for TONIGHT IN PAHOA!

"Friday May 10th, 5 - 8:00PM Mainstreet Pahoa
Celebrate Pahoa town with this spectacular evening of music throughout Pahoa Main Street. Live music will played from the windows, balconies, and storefronts all throughout Old Town Pahoa! Over 25 locations are participating.

Enjoy dinner at one of Pahoa's broad selection of restaurants, and stroll the streets enjoying the eclectic selection of music.
Maps with venue/artist information will be available at Grand Central (Hawaiian Island Homes parking lot, across from the Bank of Hawaii), and at the Kalani Jam Session, located two doors east of Luquins.

Grand Central stage will feature Bruddah Kuz and the M80s.

Shopkeepers will extend their hours, and dinner accompanied by live music will be offered throughout Pahoa.

Kanikapila in Pahoa is brought to you by Mainstreet Pahoa Association, Hawaii Island Homes, Luquins, and the Big Island Chronicle."

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