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Smoking woods
Just finished smoking some salmon with ohia I brought back and got to thinking... Any other Hawaiian woods good for smoking?

Dayna, don't hate me. It was Copper river salmon on sale here in Ca, and it was really good. Wish I could send some to you.

New home owner in Pahoa
Is mountain apple as good as every other kind of apple wood? Green apple wood, as opposed to dried, works best for flavor.

comin' your way soon!
comin' your way soon!
AHHHHH!!!!! yummy! Lucky!

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Some of the many different varieties of woods you can get for smoking here: keawe (aka: mesquite), common & strawberry guava, citrus (lemon, orange, tangerine, kaffir lime), avocado, peach, allspice (& I would image many of the other spices trees like clove & cinnamon...but you may want to double check)

These are not woods that you will find dried & sold for smoking, but are some of the woods that many of us have in our yards & trim from time to time& we make sure that we find warm or yummy use for our tree trimmings...
Well there is Kiawe of course which either tastes like mesquite or is actually mesquite, not sure which.
I have also heard that waiawe (strawberry/false/junk guava) wood also gives a nice flavor. Haven't tried it yet, but it would be nice since most consider it a garbage tree, although my kids like jelly made from the fruit.
Kiawe is mesquite. Some friends and I had a good laugh about a restaurant owner who was bragging that he was importing mesquite from Texas to smoke his meat.

I too would think that strawberry guava would make a good smoking wood. It's aromatic and also damp so it would burn slow.
lol @ imported from Texas.

Are there any woods here that are a "no-no" to use? Just wondering. Mainland you could get sick from black walnut as when you burn it it gives off a natural herbicide. It wouldn't necessarily make you sick if you weren't sensitive to it I don't think, but who wants to eat herbicide???[xx(]

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