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This is exactly what the thread is about. A majority of people voting to move the country in the direction they want. If the state of healthcare is to change, we would have to elect those who would bring about this change. Change will only happen if all voters exercise their voting right.

GW Bush never even got 51 percent of the popular vote and he still won against Gore. So that means nothing.

The health care system in the US will never be fixed no matter how much we want it!

The only way it can be fixed is if both the legislative and executive branch of our government decides to fix it. But they NEVER will do this.

These two branches have opted OUT of the health care system and voted themselves their own over funded, provided for life, never to be taken away, not subjected to managed care, and paid for by you and I in perpetuity medical care plan. Heath care and heath care issues are only seen by them as campaign spin to get elected. It is actually against their best interest to provide us with proper health care because if health care was no longer an issue, there goes their next sound bite.

Social Security has been a concern for longer than health care, yet our elected representatives have refused to solve that. Why? because unlike you and I, they are NOT part of the social security system. Like health care, they voted themselves an over funded pension for life, paid by our tax dollars, not subject to any US citizen’s oversight.

If you really want to see the truth of solving this, just ask your elected official if they would agree to terminate their congressional health care and retirement pension plans and go to social security and managed care with co-payments, deductibles, and COBRA. Watch how quickly they have you thrown into Gitmo as an enemy combatant suspect. There are no debates, filibusters, committee hearings, public input, protest votes, competing bills, all night conferences, walkouts, calls for moratoriums, or any other delaying tactic when it comes to voting themselves a heath care, pension, or expense increase. Now if only they would do for us what they do for themselves. Congress and the Executive branches did enact their own health care and retirement overhaul. They made it so that we the citizens of this country can ever take away what they gave themselves. It would take a unanimous vote of both houses along with the signature of the President to reduce or eliminate their health care system and retirement plans. Now talk about health care reform.

Last eve I had the chance to see Michael Moore’s latest movie "SICKO”?

Yes it was one sided, but far easier and much more main stream than Fahrenheit 911.

It makes a person look at the Health care system of this country with new glasses and not rose colored I'm afraid. A totally new and different light. The rebuilding of Britain lead to such a different view of life and shows how profiting can be good for society as a whole, rather than an aristocracy.

What amazed me was the HMO as we know it today began in 1971. A long time in the making. So this will be a long time and not a gentle transition to right this wrong in my opinion.

California has three bills going before the legislature currently regarding health care. Two maintain the status quo, and only one is workable and equitable in my mind and that one is SB 840 written by Senator Kuehl.

I especially had no idea about, and was flabbergasted by the bit to "Star Wars" The Empire Strikes back I think, music when they rolled the pages and pages of industry proclaimed PREEXISTING conditions! UNbelievable truly. If you seen this movie please tell me if I have exaggerated anything here. We all know I love the drama, but for goodness sake did I exaggerate? FOR the preexisting conditions segment alone every one should see this move, if for no other reason.

The French doctor was quite interesting, for a socialized country, his life style, income and living and working conditions seem so what would one say, CIVILIZED? The British explanation of me and we was so very enlightening in the political history that was shared as to how their health care decisions came about following WWII. Fascinating really.

So if you have a chance to see this you owe it to yourself and your family to educate yourselves. If even 1/4 of the film is true and I believe it is more like 95%, -5% for dramatics, we are in huge trouble.

Our medical corporations are not only the tapeworm in our systems, their medications, may be making us sicker and strung out also, to boost the bottom line.

For your own health you might want to take a peak.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
You'd vote for Hillary & Obama and so would we... But the question is -- will 51 percent of America vote for them on election day?? That unfortunately is a sad realization. Why back these good people, when they have such high negatives to begin with? And the 'swiftboat' ads haven't even started yet!

This approach will only result in another 'bushy' president, with bushy policies and a continuation of bushy fascism.

...Win the 'war' -- not the battle!

['bushy': corrupt, incompetent, untruthful, arrogant, aloof, counter-productive, catastrophic, wasteful, crude, ironic. ex.: "His answer seemed a little bushy."]

51 % hum! It will take more than that I think.

If you remember the Supremes gave us the bush the first time, and I fear the Diebold machines gave it the second time along with the vote caging that went on (google that one)!

Following the 2004 election we bought property in Hawaii, to get as far away from the insanity as possible. If Mexico had a stable government I would gladly head there, closer to home, but alas if the North American Union is formed shortly, then what? Oh that is like the European Union, Canada, Mexico and USA become one commodity, joint government. Now I'd take Canadian health care, great, but Mexican politics, and drugs and cartels, are just not that attractive to me.

Sorry Rob, get a chance to see SICKO, you won't be sorry.

Aloha, Mello Mella ah-ummmmmm

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Ummmm ... Sorry to be the bearer of this news. 51% of Americans have never voted...ever. No one has been elected by even 51% of the REGISTERED voters. More votes were cast for American Idol (though the actual # of people may be much less) than for the position of President.
All we as Americans can ever hope for is for a majority of the popular vote to place a politician, but some presidents do not even have that...
Moral: Make sure you vote, that your vote counts & that everyone you know votes. Personally, I do not how to go about getting others to vote, but it makes a good sound bite.

PS if you missed Sicko at the Palace last weekend (like we did), it is still there for this weekend:
Friday & Saturday, 24 & 25 at 7:30pm
Sunday, August 26 at 2:30pm
Monday & Tuesday, August 27 & 28 at 7:30pm

Also check out their great line up of entertainment at

Edited by - Carey on 08/22/2007 12:04:53

Edited by - Carey on 08/22/2007 12:05:53
Very eye opening movie and I agree with Mella that 95% of it is true. Hate to say it but even had me thinking France was doing something right. Here is a little FYI on Cuba's health care system.


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