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HELCO MARCH- Campsite Pohaku Dr.
I had no idea...
Nothing left to do but weed my yard.
Y'all have fun here.

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
Ken, it should be. As long as the negotiation of the contract includes a direct community benefit to Puna. We already know the cost will not be tied to oil, thus, the price per KW should come down. We must insist on it. In addition, the PUC needs to be pressured to ensure the "host" community is compensated fairly.

rainshadow, had no idea about which statement? None of this is "fun", except for those who have found entertainment value is dividing a community. Or, perhaps it's "fun" in laying the groundwork for continuous litigation (again) against any developer and/or the State of Hawaii and HELCO with regard to geothermal.

Wao nahele kane, Dragon, we need to continue sensible discussion in this process, and I appreciate your understanding my position. There are still many questions to be answered, and work to be done on behalf of Puna. It is time for kanaka maoli to have a seat at the geothermal table, and we have that opportunity today.

I look forward to resolution and common ground. It is there; finding it is the challenge, especially when social terrorism and mass hysteria is injected into this issue.

Well, for a little perspective, The folks who have had their rivers dammed, or their air fouled by fossil fuel generating plants, or their skylines riddled with wind turbines, etc.etc,etc, get no special benefits or rate breaks.
There are jobs, though.

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