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Hello all! I have realized that I have made a huge, rude mistake in not introducing myself, as I "jumped in" to a conversation that caught my eye and kept rolling on, giving hints as to who I am, and where I come from. How rude and inappropriate I was. My name is Terry, and my wife's name is Cheri. I grew up,for the most part in the S.F. Bay Area in a rural part of what is now Silicone Valley, watched it slowly transform into a land I do not know. In growing up I learned to survive in life thru lessons from my "granny", my fathers mom, and my Great Aunt "Babe" on respecting elders, as they have the "key", and to make use of everything until you have re-purposed it to death, as they both went through the depression. My "granny" raising three kids while my grandfather was traveling here and there, but pretty much anywhere but home, my Great Auntie teaching me there is good in everyone, somewhere in their being. "Do random acts of kindness and the good will come out".The rest of my fathers side were successful farmers in the North Sacramento Valley against the shade of the Sutter Buttes, a volcanic outcropping in the middle of the valley. With that strong teaching of respect and community I have carried myself through life doing unselfish deeds to those that needed it, and taught myself from the age of 4 on construction methods by asking questions, and applying the answers. That got me work in the construction industry from starting as a laborer, where I swore my name was "dumb***, to managing a maintenance crew at a large national baking company and eventually running my own construction company. I then took a serious work related injury that took me to the "other side" as a combination building inspector/fire systems inspector for a large S.F. East Bay city. All this while whenever I had a chance and enough jingle in my pocket I found myself flying over to the islands as I have always felt at home whenever I visited my Great Auntie in Honolulu, where she helped the down and out around Waikiki get back into the mainstream of life through her love of people and the potential she saw in them. Now I am retired from that city, but working a contract job until my rural property in the Sierras near Grass Valley sells to make the final journey to where I call home, back to the islands. Sure, I have said Mainland thoughts, sure I have stated what California has done, but it was all in reference to " be careful what you ask for". As you have also noticed, I can be very direct as well, a trait that unfortunately came with my final career, and I am striving to squash that trait, so please help me if you feel the need. I have chosen the BI, as I love the "old Hawaii", and not the Disneyfied" versions the other islands have adapted to please the tourist. I am quick to correct a tourist when they say " when we get back to the States", and correct them at the farmers markets when they try to "bargain" like they are in Mexico. I have a huge respect for local people, and the struggle they all have trying to make ends meet with the high prices, and ridiculous minimum wage, and tip quite heavily to local businesses and people as a result of that, even though I may not have the deep pockets like others. I lived on Maui back in the mid to,late 70's in a very remote area at the time, a strip on the West side between Makena and La Perouse Bay, commuting by bicycle into Kihei with my nailbags draped over my shoulder to work and back. Loved every minute of it until the Yuppies followed me from Silicone Valley. Time to pack up. Tried Kauai, still too busy. Visited BI for first time when I was 10, flew into Hilo, family stayed at the Volcano House and got the tour viewing through the backseat window. That memory and the sights came back to me when I thought "what's the next chapter" as I approached retirement, so here I am on your website, visiting each area through you people as you share your experiences in the neighborhoods you live in, as I need all the money to survive, and don' t have the free income to rent. My wife (who is a Certified Medical Assistant, the best first aid kit I have ever had, and I are flying out next May to personally visit neighborhoods that make us feel at home to purchase a lot for me to build the last home with my hands, a small 2 bedroom bungalow on hopefully at least a quarter acre, as I need the space for food production and to practice the permaculture techniques I have been learning lately. So, with that long winded tale of myself, I sincerely hope you accept my apologies, and feel free to correct me if I have offended you. I will apologize on this board publicly and sincerely, and if I am able to meet you when I arrive, I will personally apologize, as I feel an apology is not official until you look that person in the eyes and apologize. Last of all, Rob, you may move this to the introduction area if you feel the need. You monitor a great website. Mahalo, Terry and Cheri.

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
Hey, welcome to the Forum.

No apologies needed as I'm sure a lot of people haven't introduced themselves. Not really a requirement. I don't think we have an "introductions" area here, maybe one should consider that? I hope you enjoy your stay!

I always thought by your name "Tink" you were from Thailand. Smile
This is an introduction thread....

It would be nice if it was pinned to the top of the forum.
And now if you could realize the importance of white space and paragraphs for readability Smile


Ninole Resident
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Ninole Resident
Thank you Ericlp and David M. DM, my page structure is lacking, I admit and apologize. I was too busy looking for misspelled words through "spellcheck" setting and the mysterious periods applied, and lost track of things. Even though I can build/fix anything, I still haven' t figured out how to master/fix computers! Building/fixing/re-purposing things got me the nickname "Tink", because I'm always "tinkering" on stuff. Mahalo, and honor a vet today!

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
You're not supposed to apologize on an online forum, you're supposed to dig your heels in and stick to your story, even if the facts or common sense doesn't support it.
Originally posted by terracore

You're not supposed to apologize on an online forum, you're supposed to dig your heels in and stick to your story, even if the facts or common sense doesn't support it.

luv it lol
I've never heard of anyone actually looking for a thread. If there is going to be a dedicated spot, why not just make a forum? Smile Damn I'm using a logic again. Sorry about my logic.
Originally posted by ericlp

I've never heard of anyone actually looking for a thread. If there is going to be a dedicated spot, why not just make a forum? Smile Damn I'm using a logic again. Sorry about my logic.

You are kidding, right? [?]

If you are logged in, you click on the Search button in the upper right. Type in your search words, select a forum, or all forums, select a member name to search by (optional) and click "Search".
Originally posted by Tink

Thank you Ericlp and David M. DM, my page structure is lacking, I admit and apologize. I was too busy looking for misspelled words through "spellcheck" setting and the mysterious periods applied, and lost track of things. Even though I can build/fix anything, I still haven' t figured out how to master/fix computers!

Hi Tink,
I didn't think it was rude to jump in; that's how a forum works. Intro is optional.
As for what David said, I hope you do take that to heart, because I can't remotely read your post above. I got to line 3 and was turned away by the giant wall of text.

Just hit Enter frequently and create white space. I don't care if it's where a paragraph break should go for proper structure. You are doing it so people's eyes can focus. No thought or analysis required. Just hit Enter. Twice. Repeat frequently but not constantly. [8D]

For every person who mentioned it, there are a bunch who simply did not read it and didn't say anything. [Smile]

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