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THEFT , 6th Ave HPP
At 1:35 this afternoon, [at least] two young men in a full-sized grey pick-up truck pulling a small black trailer stopped in front of our house and took and drove away with two young geese which were grazing there, on the roadside in front of our house.
The truck then continued on in the Pahoa direction along 6th.
Were the geese on your property, or on the right-of-way?
What difference does it make, the two young men certainly knew they weren't their geese when they took them. If I park my car in the right of way, does that mean someone can come along and help themselves to it? I see all kinds of livestock grazing in the right of ways both in Puna and in Hilo, goats in particular, the custom seems to be that you can graze animals in front of your place, but of course some people don't follow customary practices.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
seems to be part of the "if its not bolted down" its free for the taking. Not exactly sure where that train of thought comes from.
Hope you find your Geese!
Yes, "a window into a puna-siders soul". Why would anyone risk jailtime to steal geese?" And also, "What on earth are they going to do with the geese?". I mean, are they hungry or what?
The geese were 8 weeks old -- too young and small to eat.
They cost $65 each @ 3 days old, purchased from one of the few, if not the only, person on the island who has a permit to import them here (State has special restriction on shipping ducks and geese to Hawaii).

Thanks for the consideration, Kinder.

I saw one of the guys chugging a beer as they drove off.

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