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Stop allready
Hey all you new Hawaiian acres people please keep you namecalling,mudsling ,etc off the other posts.The puna weeb doesn't need you guys to get on ever post with your stuff.

Shoots JRW ... We typing same time !

Totally agree !

I absolutely agree.
Thank you.
I'm not so sure JRW - this is a pretty safe forum to have people vent on. Better to type furiously then to come to blows at the next meeting...
Lavalava lets not put it on every topic this not just a Hawaiian Acres bitch forum.Keep it civil

i so totally agree . . the purpose was initially to put out some of the facts of what was happening hopefully in doing so people could be enlightened enough on issues to vote with clarity on the special election, especially for people on the mainland if they were reading this.
but then people with a whole different agenda signed up and went to work and what they have done is let everyone know that living in the subdivision there are some pretty nasty people. there are alot of really good people living in hawaiian acres,people that are retired , people that go to work everyday . good folks . The acres has a very bad reputation within law enforcement , and in the community as a whole because of the bad behavior of a few people that have no character.
so yes these very ignorant , people have put a huge blight on this blog under the name of hawaiian acres
message boards DO evolve, sometimes to more important/serious topics....

first it was us HA people rolling our eyes at 'ALL HPP Hour' and their complaining about dust on cars and needing to use a water truck on their smooth cinder roads so as to not have to wash their shinny new on-road SUVs daily.... we have posts about more 'real' probs with roads ie HA roads....

HPP has roads that will get your car slightly dusty at times when its drier and your neighbour drives by at 28 MPH...
HA roads can break an axle or bust a brake line every day of the year just driving 5 MPH....

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
I think you are misrepresenting the HPP threads a little, there was more outrage that someone called the health department about dust from roads that were unpaved when they bought their place than anything. I do not recall that much whining about having to wash cars(maybe because I don't drive a shiny new SUV), although I do remember someone with asthmatic kids who lived down at the dry end of the subdivision wishing people would slow down and not raise such huge clouds of dust. And of course a lot of people seemed to think that there was a conspiracy to pave HPPOA board members' roads first, and their roads last, but that is standard for subdivisions with boards and road fees. What there wasn't, was the vitriolic ugliness that is invading this time around.

In general, I think people are objecting to the delivery more than the opinions on the HA threads, because the nastiness is seeping into other non HA related threads. Some of us who are long time forum (that what Punaweb is, not a blog) members who are dismayed to see a generally friendly and helpful cyberplace turn into a cesspool of name calling and insults. I realize it is just a handful of very vocal people, and they by no means represent the entire HA subdivision, but it would be really, really nice for all of us who were already here if they would evolve towards the pre-existent culture of Punaweb, instead of sucking Punaweb into the muck that is so much of the rest of the internet.

If I wanted to read people insulting each other and calling people with a different point of view morons I could read the comments on CNN, Punaweb has always been a place to exchange news and ideas with our neighbors, not a place to start flame wars.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
someone called the health department about dust from roads that were unpaved when they bought their place

Again: real estate disclosure, and execution of waiver, prior to any close of escrow on a non-government road. Pavement does not follow just because someone buys a house.

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