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So tomorrow is the summer solstice and we will have our longest day of the year (yay!). Since moving to Hawaii I take greater notice of celestial objects, with particular attention to the path of the sun. This is important for planting, of course.
I think it would be fun to create some way of marking where the sun will be at the summer and winter solstices. In other words, you would be able to look at this formation and would be able to know where the sun will be at the solstices. I am not quite sure how to do that. I am thinking some sort of rock formation? A circle of rocks? Yes, I know -- the druids were smarter than I am.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to mark the solstices in the garden in a way that doesn't require the space of Stonehenge or any human sacrifices?
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Start with using a metal stake (a SS concrete forming stake would work well) at the center of the circle & at the farthest N that the sun sets (or rises if you are up that early) tomorrow. Of course, I would be remiss if I did not caution you not to look at that sun directly... use proper sun shielding or you will burn your eyes! or tech it out & use the your lat. (survey, GPS, cell phone should have)
That will give you some time to figure out your stone creation....of course 2 upright parallel stones (re stonehedge) would be a classic, some houses (& castles) have windows that are aligned to the soltices (and some to the equinoxes)
Another potential is a compass rose type design on a lanai that points to each direction (that way you could stand at the center & face the rising/setting sun...& know that your shadow has been going the wrong way for over a month & will continue pointing the wrong way for over a month more!)
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So Carey. or anyone --- I should create a circle out of rocks or something and then point a stick or a stake at the place where the sun rises or sets tomorrow? It sets behind the mountain so I won't see that but I will see the sunrise. I guess I could look on some sort of virtual sky app on my iPhone and then see where it is and then point to that direction while I am in the middle of the circle. Right?
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Sunrise works too...the are at the same point (stellar navigation counts on that, if a star (including the sun) rises on one point of the boat when the boat is in N/S orientation, the star will set directly opposite side...
You must have your eyes at the center of the circle to truly align the stake (which will become the "view slit" in the upright rocks, window, or the line from the center in you compass rose type thingy
Or you could use technology & MATH to figure out where your soltices are (I am pretty sure that is a USGS benchmark real near your house that should also give a pretty close latitude for your house...
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Use math! OMG! Well. I guess I could try. Gonna stand in the circle at sunrise, fire up an app (PUniverse I think it is called) and point where the sun is rising. So, basically, I just need to be at a given point, stand there, point in the direction of the rising sun, and mark that direction with a line radiating out from the other point. I think I can make my circle later. Maybe I can make a solstice/equinox flower bed in the circle with a different color in each quadrant! I love being retired.