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Gregor vs. Emily for Dist.4
I would like to hear some opinions of Ilagan vs. Naeole.
I liked Emily when she was on council. I really like Gregor. Don't know who to vote for...
Greggor: Thoughtful, logical, processes information and opinions of others before acting, inclusive, can seem detached or wishy-washy at times.

Emily: Brash, rash, tempermental, folksy, approachable, tends to discount newcomers (in her world, that's anyone who hasn't been here 25 years)
I liked Emily when she was on council.
Really? Why? For the amusing side show antics?
Really? Why? For the amusing side show antics?

I'll say it again: since I expect no positive action on real issues from the Council, might as well vote for entertainment value.

As far as I can tell, the current Council spends most of its time approving monetary allocations and rezoning lots in Hilo or Kona.

Putting it another way to illustrate the point: suppose, for the sake of argument, that the Council voted unanimously to fix some problem such as "inadequate infrastructure". What happens next? County simply "doesn't have money", so nothing gets done anyway.
I have heard via the coconut trees that Emily has withdrawn from the race. Can anybody confirm this rumor?
WTH? Really? Well, perhaps it is for the best. Must be for good reason, if true.

I'd also heard Emily withdrew from the race but she was at Saturday's Hawaiian Shores Dist. 4 forum and while I didn't stick around to listen to her, she didn't indicate she'd withdrawn. And she was at Maku'u Market Sunday dancing up a storm and spent like 5 minutes praying for us all from the stage.

I find Greggor Ilagan respectful (even when a certain Dist. 5 council candidate has taken him to task at public meetings, vilifying him in front of whole groups of people), a listener, someone who truly considers issues before choosing a position. He got Hele-On bus service to Paradise Park, actually rode the bus and listened to riders' stories about how charging a bus fee was going to affect them (he then voted for the fee). He organized and conducts a monthly Puna Neighborhood Watch meeting that includes all the subdivision NW people as well as the general public, and posts the minutes of the meetings online in a timely manner as well as giving advance notice of the meetings and their agendas. And he maintains the absolutely best Council website ( that I've seen....with issues vital to the entire Puna populace there for perusal 24/7, including pertinent state legislative bills affecting Puna.

And I'd suggest everyone read the incredible NY Times article written by a 3-time Pulitzer Prize winner focusing on Ilagan and his quest to understand the GMO issue. He couldn't have paid a million bucks for that kind of publicity but it shows how Greggor functions. And it's not by caving in to the loudest voices in the room...
I also heard from an excellent source that Auntie has dropped out of the race.
Hallelujah! Now Aunty, please to take care of yourself and continue selling your crafts and praying for folks.
Greggor wins by a landslide!

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