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Election postponed for 2 Puna polling places
I didn't see this posted, so ...

The Attorney General announced that the election will go on except for in HPP and Hawaiian Beaches/Shores. Overflights determined many homes are isolated by downed trees, and they feel they can't even get workers in to staff the polling places.

There will be some sort of mail-in option, but the news didn't detail that.
Decision follows the HRS statute that described how to proceed when a natural disaster interferes with an election.

I imagine that many impacted don't have TV access tonight to catch this news that was broadcast. Maybe some of those will be able to see it on Punaweb.
Thanks Kathy
You're very welcome. [Smile]

HNN ran a long segment on this, about how the word didn't get out. Some voters thought they could go to Pahoa and vote, and were turned away. Misinformation was given out by someone.

They interviewed Leilani who was out there at 7 AM in the rain holding a sign telling HPP voters about the mistake. She found out the hard way. (Should have checked Punaweb. [Wink] )

Seriously, she was mad and I don't blame her. She said the news hadn't gotten out to people and it was insult added to injury (my words, but what she meant).
Bah, we just got power back about 15 minutes ago and we couldn't leave our home for a couple days due to a downed power line on the only road we could exit. They didn't extend the voting for our disrict in Mt. View.
That sucks. [Sad]
From listening to the discussion, I think the deciding factor was the polling places themselves had no power and they couldn't get staff to them. There will always be people who can't get out to vote on the day for some reason, but if the polling place can't be run up to standards, then election can't go on. And they can't move the polling place without a way to notify the voters or that's improper.
From listening to the discussion...

I sense electronic/absentee balloting for all is in order.

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