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Donald Ikeda New Planning Commissioner
Hard ... to ignore the public when we come to the meetings and testify enmass

Find a copy of the Planning meeting transcript where "massive community support" was shown for Pearl Bakery.

Planning only gave in because 75 people from the immediate area showed up to the meeting and voiced their support. However, the process was difficult and expensive enough that Pearl's felt like an unwelcome guest, which contributed to their leaving the island.

Today that property sits idle (despite having an SUP), a loss to the community.
Originally posted by SBango

Hard for any Councilmember or Commissioner to ignore the public when we come to the meetings and testify enmass. If you want to see positive change for Puna then go to the meetings.

Definitely go and be counted.
Also be aware...the former Council member being discussed here, as well as a few of his fellow Council members who happen to be or happen to have been from Hilo have demonstrated considerable disdain for public testimony -- often leaving their chair and the Council chambers during public testimony.
often leaving their chair and the Council chambers during public testimony

Is it any wonder that so many people are just "doing whatever they want" rather than "following the rules" and "going through the process"?

If the answer for "development in Puna" will always be "no (unless you're corporate and have a legal staff larger than our County government)", then we could save lots of time/money by simply not bothering to staff a Windward Planning Commission.

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