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Tragic Incident Dec 2nd - Fence Fund
Aloha, The lava flow is very close to the Malama Market shopping center in Pahoa, Hawaii. Many animals will lose their habitat and potentially their lives. We of Hui Pono Holoholona are on a mission to save these feral felines and abandoned pet cats from the lava. They will be spayed / neutered and taken to PAWS -Pono Animal Way Sanctuary. We need your help.
We have a short video explaining the issue and how you can help.
On the afternoon of December 2, 2014, we had a tragic incident when a pack of loose dogs came onto the PAWS property and killed over 15 felines. Another 10 are still missing. Some cats escaped into the surrounding forest and have returned, but the older ones and others, such as dear, deaf Shorty, shown in the photo below, were easy victims. Some felines were in the community hall shelter where the caretaker is usually on-site and they were taken by surprise and easily trapped by the pack of large dogs. Visit for more information. Follow the rescue efforts on Facebook
Hui Pono Holoholona - P.A.W.S. Pono Animal Way Sanctuary is a 501c3 All Volunteer Non Profit.
Please Forward / Email / Share this message with all your friends. The more people we connect with the greater our chance of success. "Many Hands Makes Light Work"
Mahalo, HPH volunteers.

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