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Type of estate sale?

I have a neighbor who is a bit of a collector (hoarder, some would say). He is in poor health and I offered to help him get rid of what he no longer needs. There are a lot of things, tools, furniture, household goods - some valuable, some not.

Where I used to live there were companies that would come in, look at the stuff, offer the owner a price and then take it all away. Then it would be theirs to sell.

I was wondering if there is anything like that here or if anyone has a suggestion of how we could help him get rid of it all.

Thank you!
Aloha Dinamight! Contact My Auntie's Auction and schedule an appointment. Here's the link:
Auntie's Auction is a great idea; I went to one; it was at the house and did include pretty much everything. Tools were very popular!

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>
Fantastic! Thank you RoGo and Lee,


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