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Hawaii County Highest Suicide Rate
My dear Mr. Tom,

Appreciate the kind words, and the understanding of the impact of suicide. I shall now read "Coming Back to Me". Mahalo. Especially this quote:

"I learned that depression often hits people who appear strong, often the sort others rely on. Friends and family are usually surprised when they get ill; indeed they are the last person you would expect to have a breakdown."

I told my children (at the moment it happened; they were not there, I was) that it was a physiological/medical problem, and now he was at peace.

My husband fought it for years, and being a police officer in this "small town" (for over 20 years) took it's toll. He was a wonderful, strong (and very large' 6'5", 256lbs. on a light day [Smile]), loving, and sensitive man. We tried so hard to bring him "back", and all we did was delay the inevitable. (Sorry, a bit teary eyed at the moment, thus, perhaps, TMI. Forgive me, please. This is a tough discussion.)

I hesitated in posting the article initially, but felt it was important to alert others of the problem, given we have lived it first hand. What you stated is SO true. Thank you.

It's very difficult to understand the choice made, however, we will not continue to try to understand, nor will we crumble. Apologies for going into such depth about this issue, however, if we can talk about it (without the stigma), and help just one person in the process, that would be success.

I won't go into details, but it was horrific. It's been a few years, but I recall it like yesterday (probably will forever), as do our children. Our mo'opuna, especially the oldest, still long for their Papa. It's so sad, and the "ripple effect" of that one decision will forever be engrained in our ohana.

Need to take a breath, and reflect on what good may come from being "maka'ala" for others who have the propensity to commit suicide. My hope is talking about it will enlighten others of the consequences of that decision, and encourage pushing through the "darkness".

Mahalo again, Mr. Tom. My aloha stands for you, Sir, and moreso, with your kind words this evening. Leave you with this, which is my ohana's prayer:

Rest well, Sir. Akua bless you and keep you in His grace.


P.S. Blue Moon tomorrow, Sir. May the light shine upon us all. Much aloha. [Smile]

ETA: clarity; e kala mai

I'm glad you decided to post the article. There is still a stigma about depression and the only way to fix this is to make people more aware. So often, people suffering from depression are told to "snap out of it". I'm guilty of doing that myself, or at least not understanding what was going on. I now feel terrible about that because I simply didn't understand. You don't tell someone to snap out of suffering from cancer because people understand that's a physical illness, but so is depression, but because it's an illness that affects the mind, many don't treat it the same way.

Humans. A complicated species if ever there was one.
Opihikao, so sorry to read about your continued Ohana pain. I myself have lost two very loved uncles this same unfortunate way. So many questions remain unanswered, as I try to understand, forgive, and forget their final decisions. Thank you for sharing your pain and starting this thread. My heart goes out to you and your Ohana as we continue to miss our best friends in life.
Aloha mai, gypsy, and mahalo so much. Life lessons can be so painful, but if we can help just one person or ohana, it helps the healing process.

So sorry for your loss.

Have a great day, and no more punching nobody in the face! [B)][Wink] Ho'omanauanui stay better way to go...Just sayin'. [Smile]

Aloha to your ohana, and mahalo again your kind thoughts.

A hui hou.
also highest in FBI Fugitives, Witness Protection Clients, Free Papaya Eaters, and living 'High'....

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

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