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Is Kalani kitchen ('restaurant') still open?
Originally posted by kalakoa

the half dozen or so managers who suffered under LJ's reign of terror

Vague. Unsubstantiated. Stereotyping.

their initials are DD, JS, DM, CM, DK and LC - that specific enough for you?
specific enough for you?

It's bad form to air other people's dirty laundry in public; I'm sure Kalani's management is perfectly capable of dealing with their internal politics (whatever those may be), and none of it has had any negative impact on my enjoyment of their facilities.

Nor have I gotten sick from the food.

I am far from a disgruntled ex-employee

Sure acting like one...
Originally posted by kalakoa

specific enough for you?

It's bad form to air other people's dirty laundry in public; I'm sure Kalani's management is perfectly capable of dealing with their internal politics (whatever those may be), and none of it has had any negative impact on my enjoyment of their facilities.

Nor have I gotten sick from the food.

I am far from a disgruntled ex-employee

Sure acting like one...

Your criticism of my post was it's 'vague', I posted more info to make it less vague and your new criticism is I am disclosing too much info.

Oh well, I can't win with you I suppose....maybe Tiki can come back to tell the community what the source of Kalani's drinking water is....I am sure her answer will be 'vague' by your, or any, standards.

I posted more info to make it less vague

Yeah, that's helping.

maybe Tiki can come back to tell the community what the source of Kalani's drinking water is

Disgruntled much?
Originally posted by kalakoa

I posted more info to make it less vague

Yeah, that's helping.

maybe Tiki can come back to tell the community what the source of Kalani's drinking water is

Disgruntled much?

Thanks for another bump, lol
Aloha, Puna community,

In response to the question re Kalani and water:

Kalani offers county treated municipal water hauled on a frequent basis by a hauler with a Health Department certified stainless steel tank. This water is used in our commercial kitchen for all food preparation and is available for guests and staff to fill their glasses or their water bottles.

In addition to the purification standards maintained by the County, Kalani further treats this water with an activated charcoal filter to minimize lingering odors of the chlorine that the county used to clean all municipal water.

Kalani also offers rainwater we harvest. This water is treated by a four filter treatment process. This includes a 1 micron filter, an activated charcoal filter and an UV light treatment. This water is offered at seven different locations throughout the campus and is so marked. It is also filtered one last time at the local dispensing station.

The local filters are changed weekly. The main filter stations are changed every other week. However, they are inspected weekly and if necessary replaced at that time.

Originally posted by

Aloha, Puna community,

In response to the question re Kalani and water:

Kalani offers county treated municipal water hauled on a frequent basis by a hauler with a Health Department certified stainless steel tank. This water is used in our commercial kitchen for all food preparation and is available for guests and staff to fill their glasses or their water bottles.

In addition to the purification standards maintained by the County, Kalani further treats this water with an activated charcoal filter to minimize lingering odors of the chlorine that the county used to clean all municipal water.

Kalani also offers rainwater we harvest. This water is treated by a four filter treatment process. This includes a 1 micron filter, an activated charcoal filter and an UV light treatment. This water is offered at seven different locations throughout the campus and is so marked. It is also filtered one last time at the local dispensing station.

The local filters are changed weekly. The main filter stations are changed every other week. However, they are inspected weekly and if necessary replaced at that time.


Yep, got all the bases covered. Sounds like our Kalani. Mahalo for the update.

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