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Happy Asteroid Day!
Today is Asteroid Day!

Telescopes on both Maui and the Big Island are actively involved in discovering, tracking and better understanding asteroids, especially near-earth objects that potentially threaten our planet. So, have a great Asteroid Evening and have a look at the link if you want to learn more.
Aloha ahiahi, Mr. Tom! Hmmm..."Astoriod Day". This may explain why my brother is working the "tower" in HNL (FAA), and guiding aircraft accordingly (lol...Thank God he retires shortly).

In watching this video (mahalo for the footage), it seems we could be called, (what was your word? Oh, "lunatics", right?) lunatics, for being part of the "experience".

As I look up towards the sky, without any telescopes, nor "fancy Iphone (with "'apps, etc.') the anticipation of what is to come, is encouraging, yet, still feel apprehensive (If you look up "akualele" in our culture, it would explain my comment).

Fourth of July is upon us, the damn fireworks are going to drive all of our dogs/cats into a frenzy, yet, my oldest mo'opuna (the one who tends to read all of your scientific/astronomical posts) is now looking for the asteroids.

Mahalo, again, Mr. Tom. Happy Asteroid Day to you, too, Sir. Aloha to Pam, as always (waiting for her return...)

Opihikao - I'd be seriously impressed if Honolulu air traffic control are directing aircraft around asteroids!

PS. Fully aware of the Akualele legends.
Originally posted by TomK

Opihikao - I'd be seriously impressed if Honolulu air traffic control are directing aircraft around asteroids!

PS. Fully aware of the Akualele legends.

LMAO! Mahalo, Mr. Tom. (It was said, "tongue in cheek", as it were...)


ETA: Mr. Tom, the "akualele" is not just a legend; it is fact. You don't know how many times I asked Kupuna to teach me how to throw that "akualele"...To this day, none will. They know those who are charged with "kuleana" (like myself), will utilize that "gift", if so afforded (in our ohana; and some of us are not so "forgiving" as our Kupuna in this day and age.). Again, not just a "legend", we have seen the "Akualele" (and the repercussions/results thereof) in our lifetime, Sir. (FWIW)

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