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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
Yeah, I agree with kimo wires that my previous post is speculative and even far-fetched, but stranger things have happened here and elsewhere.
Originally posted by kimo wires

Maybe that was a stretch.
Should of said he isn't all bad.
Just a bit foolish.
Why can't this all be handled internally?
How much is this trial gonna cost taxpayers?
Probably more than he spent.
I bet he will get off.

There is no room for that kind of foolishness when it comes to taxpayers money
Internally? You mean like in our island yakuza style?
Whatever it takes,to expose an arrogant bully and thief
He should have bought alcohol and girls with his own money
He did, thanks to folks with your kind of thinking

Ms Willie Proposed an idea that Mr Kenoi should do some community service for his poor behavior and decisions as mayor. She stated that he should walk the same path as recently deceased Dr Kopp had around our Island picking up trash along side the highway.

..and slick willy is off the hook..

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