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preventing black mold on curtains
My girlfriend made awesome hand printed curtains and to my dismay that black spot mold is showing on some. Anyone know of a remedy or preventative measure
Zep clear Shell is a product which inhibits mold. It is chitosan; a substance made by crustaceans to inhibit barnacle growth on their shells. One spray down should protect for 6-12 months. Home Depot carries it.
zap clear shell, vs bleach? what's better?
Bleach may kill what is currently present. However, it will not prevent regrowth, and it will change the color of the curtains, perhaps destroying the hand printed pattern that she applied.
Originally posted by ericlp

zap clear shell, vs bleach? what's better?

I don't know what Zep is, but if someone bleached my handprinted curtains I would not be happy.
Yeah, I know bleach would destroy a lot of things, just wonder it was better on shower curtains and things like that.

Don't have much mold growing down in hawaiian beaches, to hot for that I guess.
I use a lot of vinegar to kill mold. In drawers, the closet, mattress...
I keep a spray bottle with white vinegar handy.

I'll check out the Zep, sounds interesting.

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Vitus, everyone so far recommending a cure without a diagnosis.

What did your GF use as material for the curtains ? What kind of paint did she use ? Then lets go from here.

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