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Drunk driving moron flips pickup truck @ 4 corners
I guess the 'Red Road go slow' memo was not passed out to everyone as a truck full of clowns decided to speed their way down the Lighthouse road as they were leaving the Champagne ponds and then failed to negotiate a high speed left turn, spilling the occupants and dogs out of the truck bed and onto the road. HPD responded, nixle alert pending.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE STOP DRIVING DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some people get behind the wheel and being careful and attentive to their driving is the last thing on their mind.
One would think that If they had passengers in the back of their truck they would go extra slow and cautiously.
Its a outrage that there are drivers out there that think they can just do whatevers they want. And it infuriates me to think it could have been my wife or a friend that gets injured or killed because of some careless punk-ass little be-otch.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Joe, it's lower Puna. It's extremely unlikely there will be Nixle report.
Originally posted by leilaniguy

A few month ago, we were at 4 corners and a Kia box was stopped at the intersection and wanted to turn left to Waa Waa, waited for traffic, then turned and slammed head on into an Old Toyota sedan at the stop sign, I couldn't believe what just happened, actually said WTF?..... Must be the drugs.

Oh yeah, this was at Noon.
The road to the lighthouse is really rough. I could barely go 10mph on it.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Here is a picture of the idiots:

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