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OLCA lawsuit
I may be old, late 70's but I found it pretty easy to discern the real (board) from the fake (board) so I paid my road fees, having carefully read both fake and real; newsletters and I got a ballot and I voted for the increase despite being on a fixed income and having 2 lots, it's a burden but a huge blessing to live in OCLA. I could no longer afford to live on the mainland in a coastal state. Now those who failed to pay are claiming confusion and ignorance. I know some who say well they can collect from my heirs when I'm dead. Well tough love. Pay up, it's only fair and if you don't like the fees well vote next time.
Excuse me if I don't believe the results... with my 3 "NO" votes I represented nearly 15% of the "no" camp. That just doesn't pass a common sense test.
There are 2490 lot votes in Orchidland subject to the $200/lot MMRA. 63 yes votes minus 21 no votes = 42.

Phrased another way, 1.69% of the lot owners voted for this increase that applies to 100% of the lot owners.

I sent an email to their help desk after being in arrears for 2 years and never got a reply. I offered to make monthly payments to settle my debt. So i'm left to wonder if they disregarded my proposal outright or was it ineptness? That Kinda pissed me off so I decided to continue to withhold my MRMA's.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
terracore and kimo wires - they doubled the MRMA a couple of years back, in a sneaky way: instead of increasing the MRMA itself, they made the existing "voluntary paving fee" mandatory. I voted no as well, FWIW.
Kimo I had a billing issue, emailed the accountant at Data Pro (or whatever its called), never heard back from them, called them, talked to a nice lady who made excuses for the accountant, and I got my issue fixed in a few days.

You mentioned that you had two lots, just a recommendation: settle them one at a time rather than trying to make a payment plan that is all inclusive.
Originally posted by terracore

Phrased another way, 1.69% of the lot owners voted for this increase that applies to 100% of the lot owners.

If you and Kalakoa could just apply to some of the Auditor positions for the state I could sleep a little better. I’ve seen job postings for auditors for over 5+ years now... maybe you guys could swing it if your surnames end in a vowel

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