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Gentleman Farmer I'm Not
I'm considering buying a place that comes with a small orchard, maybe 100 trees, mostly papaya, mango, avocado, the usual stuff. I'm not really into farming, and was wondering if I had any options. Are there volunteer groups here that would pick and donate, or are there for profit groups that would pick and pay. I have no idea what my options are. Thoughts oh wise ones?
You can lease them out. You may have difficulty determining their value, but if you can find somebody who knows how to maintain (including pruning and fertilizing) the trees as bulk of the lease payment you're probably doing pretty well. Maybe the balance of the "payment" could be them performing other land maintenance duties. You can advertise on Craigslist and on the free bulletin boards at the feed and agro stores. There are a lot of dreamers out there so don't make any agreements until you've done your due diligence. I can email you a copy of a standardized farm lease you can modify for your particular situation if you need it. Usually the lessee provides documentation of liability insurance. Otherwise if they fall off one of your trees picking your fruit, well, they just bought your farm.
Thank you for that. I'm not at that point yet (haven't bought yet) but now I have some direction. Thanks!
I might be interested in looking at the trees myself depending on where they are.
Cool. To be continued in September, if things go well.

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