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Catchment cleaners
Howdy all,

I searched the forum for recommendations for catchment system cleaners but could only find posts from 2013. They have either all gone out of business or they don't return calls!

If anyone can recommend someone, I'd be glad to hear it.

Stefan Larsson, Big Island Catchment Cleaning (808) 756-3033
We've never had our catchment tank cleaned. What exactly do they do?
We called Stefan, and others, they must be busy, they won't call back.
We have found someone else. I'll recommend him here if it all works out.
Maybe a good idea for anyone thinking of moving here - start a catchment cleaning company!

I don't really know what it entails either. We have a layer of dirt at the bottom of the tank that comes, ultimately, from the roof.
Normally it's not a problem but lately when we have heavy rain it seems to churn it up and increase the amount of dirt in the water, which the filters have trouble keeping up with. Can't hurt to remove the dirt!
Stefan is usually very good about returning calls, so he must be off island or extremely busy.

Catchment cleaning can take two forms, either emptying the tank and scrubbing down the liner (the extreme clean) or the more common cleaning -- vacuuming the tank like you would a swimming pool.
If your tank isn't too big, it's not hard to do yourself. Take off the cover, hook up a pool cleaning hose to a shop-vac, and suck out the gunk on the bottom. If it's really dirty you may have to stop every once in a while to let it settle down again.
Originally posted by terracore

We've never had our catchment tank cleaned. What exactly do they do?

We had ours done maybe a year ago. Tim's Catchment Cleaning did it. Our tank is one of the large diameter ones. It's about 22 feet across but not very tall. He removed the cover, and found that the people we bought the house from were using a large like a beach ball, to hold the cover up. He said that's not a good method long term, as the rubber ball will break down and the particles go through the system. So, we had him put on the metal supports and tossed the ball.
He used like a shop vac, wet or dry. He also installed a lady's nylon using a very large hose clamp, onto the the big white pvc pipe that drops the water into the tank from our gutters. That nylon catches a lot, o all of the dirt, chunks, etc that would have gone into out tank. We check that nylon now and then and replace when it needs it. Our house, gutters, tank, everything were built in 1996, and I bet it's all original.

Watch the condition of your tank as far as rust goes too. A friend of mine had his tank basically split and dump all the water all over due to rust. I think the companies that assemble new tanks can probably put one together and get it up and working in a few days. My friend hooked up a chain to his truck and pulled the bad tank out of the way for the people to erect the new one. But, 12,000 gallons of water suddenly dumped from a busted tank isn't a good thing.

Tim's number is 808-443-4048 assuming he's still in this line of work.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Stefan did call back and he was indeed off island. Nice guy!

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