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Making Soy Milk
I recently bought a SoyaPower soy/rice/nut/tofu maker - and am loving it, with soy milk being $5.59 a half gallon I figure I am saving close to $11.00 a gallon and wish I had know about this earlier. Most in my family are allergic to dairy to some degree so I switched to soy milk and we would go through 3-4 gallons a week (big family). Its so much cheaper even with shipping soybeans from the mainland and I know exactly whats in it. It tastes pretty close to the store bought version with some sugar and vanilla, my kids even like it! I'm going to try the rice milk next. You have to soak the beans for 6-12 hours, then the machine does the rest in 15 mins,I was surprised at how easy it is!! it makes a bit less than a quart at a time which means a few hours of milk making time for me and our requirements for the week but the benefits are soo worth it.

I only wish I had known about this years ago and wanted to share,in case anyone else out there is in the same boat!

You can order and find out more here:

Does anyone sell soy bean grown here?

I've been interested in these soy milk machines for awhile. Please let me know how it works out. (bean availibility)

In the meantime Costco has a good deal on soy milk. Organic, non GMO in plain and vanilla; A case of twelve quarts is $12.99 ($4.30/gal). I usually get three or four when I go to Kona.
When we visited with Cahnle and family out at Kapoho Beach Lots, they showed us how they make soy milk everyday...even made some for was yummy! Only cost under about 90 cents per batch.


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
We have switched to soymilk also. And I bought a case of the soymilk at costco. It is very good and the best price I have found here.
I sure would like one of those machines, though!
Ohanamama, where do you get your beans?
I make a really good thick yummy chocolate shake with frozen apple bananas, some cocoa, soymilk, some sweetner and spoon of peanut butter in a blender. I use about 5 frozen bananas, a cup of so of soymilk and etc. Thicker the better. Oh so good and healthy! It has been a long time since we bought icecream!
I too love my soymilk machine. We ordered it after tasted the soy milk at Cahnle's and saw how easy and quick to make them.
We buy the soybeans from Abundant Life store on Hilo Bayfront and also from Keaau's Health Food store.

We bought our machine from


I ordered my beans online from Chambers Family Farm,

They had a special with free shipping to Hawaii. I paid 18.99 for 14#( goes a long way) The beans are supposed to be the better ones for making soymilk and tofu, but I have no experience with soy beans and can only assume they're better.They even got here in a few days. I was wondering if someone had a soybean farm here, just to support locals. That shake sounds divine, gonna have to try it!

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