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Yak calling kalakoa, come in kalakoa
Ok,now I got laniA's joke about broken motormouth and Calico Motors ):
I seem to recall him saying he picked the moniker because it ended in a vowel.
Thank you everyone for the concern.

Rumors of my demise are premature.

My hope is that the citizens of this County will take control of their local government. Despite the litany of complaints, this somehow isn't happening; our "elected" "representatives" continue to abuse the public.

Anyway, I'm focused on "getting mine", because that's one of the rules in this place.
Kalakoa lives!!! I understand your comment on "getting mine"... and
"My hope is that the citizens of this County will take control of their local government."
Please don't turn off the spigot !! Your information and inspiration are much needed!!
Some of us ARE writing letters, testifying , hiring lawyers and sometimes it does really work! Would like to share an almost accomplishment......simply waiting now for Kim's signature.
Not too long ago our sailing club along with the U. H. Hilo sailing club were ordered to vacate our spot on Hilo Bay. Some untruthful things were printed in the paper about us....
We stayed until we could be heard by the County Council and made arrangements with the DNLR to keep our equipment nearby. We were appreciative that we could at least keep our sailboats and lockers nearby but the location did not lend itself to launching, retrieving are sailboats. Many of us have missed weeks of enjoying our club's sailboats.
The allegations printed in the Hilo Tribune were not repeated at the hearing. In front of the Council, there was a P. & Rec willingness to work with us.
they needed to perform maintenance, they said. We now have a topped iron wood, a stump brought down....a pile of logs and a pile of chips! It does not appear that any other ironwoods were "maintained" near us. Ground looks the same...debris along the tide line as of last week still there.

Months later,after many phone calls, back and forth, we have our Memorandum of Agreement agreed upon by Parks & Rec. and our attorneys and Board. We are waiting for Harry's "for the people" signature.

Recently there was a thread about why and if Puna people should care about Hilo Bay. It's our park land and we will lose it if we don't.
What would happen if Puna people helped Tiffany Hunt with her battle for the Pahoa pool?
My guess is something would start to happen!
Here's another link to a grass roots organization, worthy of support.

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