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Surcharge To Fund Education

The ballot question as written does not comply with the requirements of HRS § 11-118.5 that the language and meaning of the ballot question be clear and not misleading.
This is so important! Drop the association with “Education” immediately! Why? Well how any money or constitutional amendments are to be managed At All must be directed/dictated/spelled out by state legislation- No Exceptions. Each Bill in HI legislature related to this proposed amendment Failed! This means theres NO oversight, direction or design that would indeed even breathe in the direction of “education” or prisons or rail or roads.Legislation needs to come first but all of the proposed bills failed.

The measure should have been removed immediately. It was not. This makes it either entirely moot or a dangerous potential scandal.

Most ballot initiatives worded like this, with little up to date community educational boost campaigns affiliated, end up “Passed”¯
Do your own vetting. If Yes or No in ballot measures where voters are somewhat or largely unsure of, or uninformed on, get a “Yes” vot#275;.

Theres another concern(well#699; many). I remember Hawaii’s last Consititutional Convention. It was a very different political climate.1978.
In 2018, theres large powers at hand on the neo con, ultra conservative side of our world who’ve plotted, planned and strategized anticipated consitituional
amendments with a prescribed curriculae laying in wait which will slam dunk an agenda of thier worst inclinations from removal of what they call “entitlements”(medicaid, medicare,after school programs, lunch& breakfast programs, pregnancy nutrition progs, etc etc), ACA healthcare, abortion rights, ,
privacy laws,(from HiPAA to fiduciary amendments) and much more-
These are planned, written and ready to impliment on a dime. Certain groups on elite conservative right have sought opportunities to open state and federal constitutions which mysteriously have NO guiding legislature in place.
We cant have that! So for the (excuses of the day) security of the kids, our taxes, our liberties, etc they’ll gladly slip in their prepared agenda as a stop gap measure. If history predicts the future, this would take 4-6 decades to undo.

Well you might think this just one of many Mercer, Koch, DeVos conspiracies so Please do your own research into state and federal consitiutional convention plans and agenda- hint- try outside news sources (UK, France, Germany, Norway, Al Jazeera,UPI International or your comfortable choice)

Across the country attacks have come in the courts and toward future Con Con in gutting hard fought and won civil, gender, health, race rights.
Hawaii? What do they want? The problem is -without the framework of the legislative mandate for confining a constitutional amendment or convention it could be any surprise under the sun. In far too many states Roe V. wade has been so thoroughly gutted, convoluted, its virtually impossible for women to gain reproductive care or abortions without mind blowing oppressive discouraging, dofficult to impliment regulations on state level those states are left woth one or two clinics across hundreds of square miles with fewer practitioners able to work, comply. Im only using that example b/c Im female and relate to it.
Again do your own research to verify how Roe v Wades become moot in states.

The last thng you want to do is open the door to an unregulated blank tablet, sold as “education” but in reality having no heavenly or earthly way to require it be any one direction over another. We may be overdue for a Constitutional Convention in Hawaii. We need to be organized with clear goals, well aware of advisarial actions, having already successfully implimented guiding legislation for funds management, processes, procuements, boundaries containing clear language spelling out parameters of each amendment.
Please spread the word.
Ignorance will default them a “win” or a supposed “Yes” that has NOTHING behind it to guide it, no accountability, no recourse.
As of today supreme court invalidated the proposed amendment ,as to vague
Thank god,lol


Also on bivn they found that based on local economy they had put (accidentally)the wrong
Numbers about a new teachers wages. It ame out to about $45k for 10 months of work compared to $42 k for 12 months of pay for starting county worker. Also they were wrong on expenses saying the worker would have to pay mortgage on a 1.0 mil house. I guess thats the median price in Oahu? That must be why there is more homeless over there?

I would be homeless there as well, living off my disability. Probably live in a boat lol.
Ok ,now rob or tom can lock the thread now



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