12-15-2019, 09:30 AM
The outdoor circle saves exceptional trees
President's Statement
I believe we were put on this earth to always be able to enjoy our environment and as such we must also share the responsibility of being the guardian of the assets of our surroundings in the very best way we know how. I feel it is an honor, privilege, and duty to serve as President.
-Don Inouye
Join us in Hilo every second Friday of each month at 9:30am
East Hawaii Island Outdoor Circle
175 Banyan Drive, Suite B, Hilo, HI 96720
Tel: (808) 593-0300
Email: easthawaii@outdoorcircle.org
The outdoor circle saves exceptional trees
President's Statement
I believe we were put on this earth to always be able to enjoy our environment and as such we must also share the responsibility of being the guardian of the assets of our surroundings in the very best way we know how. I feel it is an honor, privilege, and duty to serve as President.
-Don Inouye
Join us in Hilo every second Friday of each month at 9:30am
East Hawaii Island Outdoor Circle
175 Banyan Drive, Suite B, Hilo, HI 96720
Tel: (808) 593-0300
Email: easthawaii@outdoorcircle.org