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Mainland to Hilo shipping companies
This topic has been discussed before but does anyone have any current pricing information on customer owned containers shipped from mainland specifically Seattle to Hilo? Containers in Seattle that are seaworthy are about $2500 I don’t think Matson ships containers other than their own. Lynden quoted me $5300 to ship a 20’. So about 8k. I’m looking to just ship some tools for my sitework and landscaping. Big Island container can deliver a container to my lot for $5200... I’m thinking it’s cheaper to just buy new tools in Hilo. TIA
mason shipped our containers that had the seaworthy certification. did you call matson, and pasha? not familiar with big island container, but we had conan bring ours with a forklift to take it off the trailer, makes it much easier to unload...oh is horizon still around?
I haven’t contacted pasha yet. And I will definitely look into horizon. Thank you
My 40ft high cube from Oakland to Hilo is currently on its way and cost $9700 with Matson. The CSC certification only cost about $100 but make sure you get it within a few months of shipping, they won’t accept certificates older than 6 months.
I haven’t contacted pasha yet. And I will definitely look into horizon. Thank you
When I was moving here and needed to fill a 20' high cube I asked Northland if they had any that were for sale (seaworthy obviously).... they had two and one of them was in my port so I asked them to send that one to me so that I would have the option to buy it later.

So the moral of the story is that I was already paying to ship all my stuff here in a container but they were able to send one to me to load that I could buy, or not buy, after I got here.

We did wind up buying it. $3k. Absolutely NO regrets.
It appears as though horizon has been absorbed by Matson and northland is now a part of lynden. After speaking to these larger companies the going rate seems to be around 6k not including purchasing the container.

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