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I did a double-take while driving on Hilo Bayfront late this afternoon. Hele-On now has a double-decker bus. For a brief moment, I thought I was back in London, except it wasn't painted red. It definitely caught my attention though!
I think there are two and they have actually had them for a few years, but as you might suspect, they have rarely been in use because of "maintenance issues". It appears that our bus mechanics and the management, are not very good.
Anyone know which routes?
They were used on the commuter route from Hilo to the Kohala resorts.

The first one broke down almost as soon as they got it and they didn't know how to fix it.
Pretty sure they won't know how to fix the new hydrogen buses, either, but at least the only fueling station will be in Kona.
They were going to produce hydrogen at night using excess power from PGV but they decided the lower Puna Lunatics would put up such a disinformation campaign and fight it for years in court that they just gave up.

The county took possession of the 1st double decker in May 2011.

" The double-decker bus is not just a first for Hawaii County’s Mass Transit Agency, it is a first for the entire state. The 14 foot tall bus (The Alexander Dennis Enviro500) can seat 89 passengers, and costs just under $900,000."

By December of 2011 it was broken down and it took 7 years to repair it.

" Dec 16, 2011, 12:21pm EST
A double-decker bus that shuttles Big Island hotel workers from their homes near Hilo to the Waikoloa Resort and cost $899,000, has been out of service for nearly four weeks while Hawaii County waits for parts to fix the air brakes."
Than I guess I'm here to report that at least one of the double-deckers is back on the road, nine years later...
I wonder what the driver training is like...

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