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San Diego... it isn't Hawaii!
I was born in San Diego, California and lived there most of my life either on the beach or on the hill above the ocean. Having spent most of the last five years in Hilo and none of it on the mainland, my current visit comes with some surprises. I am not sure if it is me that has changed so much or the town/city but probably both.

Freeways are horrendous. Cars drive at 80 mph commonly and swerve and veer in and out of lanes. It gives me a headache! People are rude. I was driving through a little beach community in my friends car... and a guy started yelling at me and flipping me off for no reason in particular ... what he called me... "F'ing B'tch driving a Mercedes..." It was a two lane road and I wasn't blocking him or anything... it was strange. Everything is so far away....clerks in stores have attitude all the time... parking lots are to fear for fighting over a closer space. Quality in all things seems to be an afterthought.

On the other hand, my friends are true friends, helping me with frantic work to remodel this condo so I can get back to my beloved Puna. Best thing is my musical contacts; seeing the live performances is doing my heart good.

So, really just a note to say I MISS PUNA and will be back soon!


Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Get on Hiway 1 and head north - it gets better but not much.At least the scenery is nice along the way.
I live in Kansas City and it's like that in some areas. We even having "rolling shootouts" (between two cars while in motion) now and again. We are cautioned to not stare down someone else while driving, it could result in a road rage "incedent".
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Well, I'm off for ten days in rural Texas that will include the family reunion at the old ranch. It will be friendly and nice, but it won't be the Big Island. I will miss my garden, which Bear is staying behind to keep watered.

I always thought California people were supposed to be spacey and laid back. I guess that's a stereotype, just like all Texans are gun-toting rednecks. (Well quite a few of them ARE, but not all of them.)

Pam, we left San Diego in '91 and what you've described is exactly what I remember. I had people run me off the road because I wasn't driving fast enough. Not an isolated incident--actually pretty common. My husband was flipped off multiple times daily. He's a slow driver. By slow driver I mean he went the speed limit.

I don't miss San Diego one bit. The focus on money and image was over the top. Wasn't a match for us.

Jerry, that's pretty funny. Californians spacey and laid back. Not really. There are a few, of course, but in general they are not like the stereotype.
Accepted an offer on the condo today. Now let's just hope escrow is no problem! I won't spend it till it's in the bank but it has been worth two weeks of hard work.

And just for the record... two women with a little begged muscle help managed to do in two weeks what the two husbands "planned" on over 90 days ago and got SQUAT DOME!

They say it takes a village.... I say it takes a few WOMEN!!

LOL... Just having fun at hubby's expense.

Aloha. Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

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