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Power out lower hpp
Anyone else having a power outage at this time?
Lower HPP.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Well it's not a rolling blackout. It's in hpp and it's been reported and dispatched as of 630pm. No estimate on time for repairs.
Power out again in HPP. This seems to be happening a lot lately.
And power down again in lower HPP.
Not to be blunt, but have you considered taking charge of your power generation needs? Clearly HECO is unreliable, so having a generator and/or some solar & battery is probably worth considering as there doesn't appear to be any consequences for HECO for their downtime, which seems to be getting worse?

Lots of these discussions going on particularly on Maui where HECO is already doing preventative showdowns during periods of high winds in order to help avoid more wild fires, shutdowns which they say could last for days, so people are having to realize that you can't count on the electric grid being up 24/7. So if you have critical power needs, especially for medical devices and the like, you'll want to have some way to handle power outages yourself. Just something to consider.
I am more and more happy to be off grid lately. If these outages are really impacting (or annoying) you, a system can be had for a few thousand that will run most of your home, or at least keep your fridge, lights, and water pump on indefinitely. Not grid-tied, but just something you can run a few circuits on some or all of the time.

I can't imagine *not* having some kind of backup power anymore!

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