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So you think ‘Punaweb” represents Puna’s voice…
I tell my Pamela about the going-on here on PunaWeb. She tells me what she thinks I need to know about the rest of the world.[8D]


Aloha! ;-)
Aloha! ;-)
Every single day on the PW ### people say ### important things,make ### announcements ,crack ### jokes, shared ### pictures,make ### people smile ,push ### buttons,jerk ### someone's chains,...

Life on the forum is going on.Keep counting...

P.S. If you be nice,may be Rob will make a separate forum section for you - Accounting in Puna . Good luck!
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Will; If PW is not the voice of Puna, it sure as H### is way ahead of whatever is in second place. StillHope said it better than I could. But just by way of reference, Both the wife and I have NEVER missed voting in any election we were registered to vote in. Come hell or high water vote we will.

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
Originally posted by StillHope
P.S. If you be nice,may be Rob will make a separate forum section for you - Accounting in Puna . Good luck!

I originally posted this contribution in the 2008 Big Island Elections section. It was Rob who moved it here to the Punaweb Forum I'm still not sure why...
So please forgive me for being political.

Anyway, the intent of this post was to stir some emotion in all of us and not let us think our opinion reflects the opinion of the entire Puna area. If we are passionate about who we get behind, need to make sure we share that passion outside of Punaweb. Honestly, I still believe the numbers here are pretty insignificant compared to the voting population.

I'm not running for office or even working in any candidates campaign headquarters.

I'm not an accountant. My quick access to facts and figures isn't through some mystical source. It's the same method you see in front of you every time you access Punaweb. Google is a wonderful search engine. You should check it out sometime!

I consider myself some of these candidate's worst nightmare; an EDUCATED VOTER!

Have a great day!

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!" - Henry Ford
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!" - Henry Ford
Aloha Will,

I moved the topic from elections to the general forum because the primary subject as you stated it was Punaweb and it's (supposed) pretensions. Punaweb is not running for office. Nowhere in the site, to my knowledge, does Punaweb claim special position or the ability to read the minds of the masses. If Punaweb is a useful service to a small minority in the district then it has served it's purpose. It is here for those who want it. It is not imposed on anyone. In it's first year it had many fewer members, several years from now I expect it will have a few more.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by punafish
So assuming the best - that your heart is in the right place - what was the good intention behind starting this thread?

Mr.Will,could you,please,answer the question?

P.S.Thanks for introducing me to Google.I checked it out -so many numbers! Fascinating!)):
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Aloha Will,

Your last post is much more level-headed than your first. Thanks for toning down the hyperbole.

Some questions:

Has anyone posting on punaweb stated that the forum reflects the beliefs of all of Puna?

Do you believe this forum lacks passion? LOL

Is there any reason to believe members of this forum are not sharing their passion outside of punaweb? (Isn't that what fopf is all about, sharing the passion?)

Why does it matter that our numbers are "insignificant"? Anyone with an opinion is invited to participate, including you.

Do you believe that punaweb is a monolithic entity? (If so, you haven't read enough posts LOL)

Do you believe that we do not have educated voters on this forum? If so, why?

Not that any of this matters in the large scheme of things, just curious...



A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Punaweb is not THE voice of Puna but it is an important voice of Puna. It is apparently to open to all people of good will with an interest in Puna. That being said, it isn't monolothic, meaning that not all people on Punaweb agree on a given subject. But I think all Punawebbers would agree that we would never discount other voices in democracy, just because we have our own. Your premise is snide and not in good faith.

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